MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Where did they go wrong with Mary?

Where did they go wrong with Mary?

I don't know where to begin. I loved to see Mary come back in the beginning. But now, I am not so sure. I feel like they are making her out to be just as bad as John, not caring about her sons. She was dodgy with the colt and slept with Ketch. I am still a big fan of John Winchester despite the writers ruining him. Is Mary going the same way?

What else has happened that annoys you regarding the reincarnation of Mary Winchester?

Thoughts .....

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Everything. Her hair is cute though.


They haven't shown any of her emotional journey, so she's very hard to relate to when she shows up every so often. She's contradictory on a lot of things, like 'I love my sons,' but I don't want to be around them, or 'I'm not just a Mom,' but I'll spend every breathing moment killing monsters, so my children don't have to do it. She betrayed them as well, nearly got them and Cas killed, while retrieving the Colt for the BMoL. That didn't help either considering she's supposed to be working for the BMoL to save/protect her sons . . . contradictory. They've destroyed any characterization we had or thought we had about her in the past as much as they destroyed the Colt.

ETA - And on a personal note, we still have no idea what the hell she did or tried to do about Azazel in the 10 years after her deal, and we're about to go into episode 20 of the season. It's one of the things I would've thought was pretty important to discuss by at least the 3rd, 4th, or 5th episode, but instead they had her walk away. We also haven't seen her discuss her children's lives with them, something I personally wanted to see at some point long before now too.


Mary's not as bad as John. She's worse. Like a true Campbell she sold her kids out... and she did it for a gun. The same gun John gave away to save Dean, in addition to his life. Mary being willing to kill herself to save Sam and Dean from Billie rang hollow to me considering how much she hates it here anyway.

They went wrong with everything. Basically there's nothing maternal about her and she doesn't care about her children. Jody and Ellen, heck Rowena on a good day act more motherly toward Sam and Dean than Mary.

I agree with Denese, only nice thing about Mary is what she gets from Samantha, which includes that lovely hair.


Jody and Ellen, heck Rowena on a good day act more motherly toward Sam and Dean than Mary.

Perfect examples of women who have been motherly toward them without falling into the stereotype of cooking all their meals and making sure they've cleaned their rooms, which is I think the stereotype the writers were trying to keep from happening by going the complete opposite way with it. Too bad they didn't put the research in on the women who have been written well for this show before they started writing for her. And I loved the way Rowena was with Dean in Regarding Dean too.


And I loved the way Rowena was with Dean in Regarding Dean too.

Me too. I really like Rowena's dynamic with the Winchesters.


Mary being willing to kill herself to save Sam and Dean from Billie rang hollow to me considering how much she hates it here anyway.

Yeah, I know you just want her gone, but this for me is why she can't die or sacrifice herself in the final 2 episodes. She has to do something she doesn't want to do to start making up for what she's done wrong this season, and dying is what she wants. It's not a true sacrifice.


I see your point and you might get your wish since Samantha talked about us loving her again and since Dabb must have more in store for the character. For me, things have reached a point where I resent the idea that the show's going to try to emotionally manipulate me into caring about Mary. I'll certainly be happier if she drops dead, but I've managed to get through other characters I have no use for hanging around like a bad smell so I will deal with what is sure to be Mary's half-baked redemption because once again, she's reached the point of no return as far as I'm concerned. Good thing I don't write the show lol. I'd have her trip and fall into a ditch in a park called EMPTY and Drifter would shake their fist at the TV yelling: "Someone fire Vee, that hack is ruining the show!!!"πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


πŸ˜‚ I don't know. For comedic purposes I might let it go depending on how random it was given all the build up for her this year.


Where did they go wrong? Bringing back the icon that set the Winchesters on their journey to begin with. What's dead should have stayed dead. I don't know what they could have done to make this storyline work. But it sure wasn't turning her into a cold hearted, distant, morose woman who seemed to never want to have kids in the first place. Evidently all she wanted to do was hunt.
I can't see how in the world there is going to be any redemption for her at this point. I think it's time for a Bobby shower scene.


I think it's time for a Bobby shower scene.

Wait, what? Are you referring to the scene where Bobby's ghost enters the bathroom while Dean was taking a shower in "Of Grave Importance"?


Heh, no, cassiopeia[/b] is referring to the infamous Dallas reset of Bobby coming out of the shower, where he had been dead for a year, and the entire previous season being a bad dream of his wife's.

And, I agree, short of a scene like that in an attempt to wipe the bad season 12 taste from our mouths, I don't think Mary is redeemable for all the spot-on reasons [b]cassiopeia

At this point it would be quicker to say where they didn't go wrong with Mary. Easy answer - nowhere. Everything about her is wrong, and it's because both Dabb and Sam Smith tried to sell this Mary as an original character, with neither wanting her to play the mommy role. And that was a huge mistake because that's Mary's role, deal with it. Without that role, there is no show, and if Sam Smith didn't want to play that role, then she could have turned down the job.


Oh! Bobby Ewing! LMAO, good one!

with neither wanting her to play the mommy role. And that was a huge mistake because that's Mary's role, deal with it. Without that role, there is no show, and if Sam Smith didn't want to play that role, then she could have turned down the job.

Thank you. It's so annoying how they act like there's something degrading and antiquated about Mary acting like a "Mom". Girl, bye.


reset of Bobby coming out of the shower, where he had been dead for a year, and the entire previous season being a bad dream of his wife's.

It could work. Dean was tired after saving the sun, fell asleep in that fake garden, and dreamed it all - Mary, BMOL, devil baby. 😡


I like that idea. Then we can go on and laugh at season 12 and the mess of it all.


I think it went wrong after her "I have to go find myself" speech. It seemed like she abandoned Sam and Dean. Then TPTB spent all their time focusing on how great a hunter she was instead of how great a person she was.


Yep! Before "The Foundry" she looked like she had a soul but after that, they turned her into a replicant.
