Going forward is difficult from where it is now. Ideally, they should've had a better plan going into this season. I don't think Mary is going anywhere. I think if she did, it'd be a waste of a character and a season. If they want her to be a good guy, a Winchester, then they need to have her learn some kind of a harsh lesson with the BMoL. I don't know what.
Maybe have Dean and Sam vs. the BMoL, Mary sticks with the BMoL, and either the BMoL get destroyed with her being the sole survivor or she stops the BMoL from killing the nephilim, because I don't think it's going to be evil. When she shows up on the bunker's doorstep looking for help, she needs to be contrite, and then they can start building her relationship with her sons next season the way they should've done at the start of this season.
I'd love some dialogue on what happened in those 10 years between when she made her deal and when it came due. I'd love for her to take an active interest in finding out about her sons lives. We've heard the tail end of a couple of discussions they've had with her, but I'm thinking those conversations didn't even scratch the surface of what their lives have been like. I don't mean entire episodes, just little bits of dialogue here and there. I'd also like for them to acknowledge that she's younger than her sons, which means they have experience in hunting and life she doesn't. Basically, I'd like for there be something of a reversal of the parent/child dynamics.
If we're going to keep introducing more hunters, I'd like more like the ones we've seen this season, like the hunter/witch twins and Wally or Eileen from last season. I'd much rather see more of those kinds of characters than the BMoL, and I'd like for at least one hunter to fanboy or girl over Dean.
I'm sick of Lucifer and don't see the point of him being on here again, so I obviously want them to wrap up his storyline. Lucifer or Crowley. I don't think they should have both, and I like Crowley.
What else? Uh, Cas . . . I don't really know what they're going to do with him. If I suspect that Lucifer's kid isn't going to be evil, then I guess Cas will find himself on the side of the angels and by extension the BMoL, so he'll be in direct conflict with the brothers and have to make a choice. I'm thinking the baby won't be born until the season finale, and this will be the set up for next season.
For MotW episodes, I would like new monsters. Last year they at least tried to do some new monsters. The same goes for the 'Big bad' next season. Try something new. It doesn't have to be something bigger than Amara to be interesting, just something that's cunning, maybe something that's found a way to bind Chuck and Amara and the ramifications from that.
Above all else, I want horror back on this show, no corporate angels and demons, and I want them to stop taking rules that were established in previous seasons and tweaking them or changing them entirely.