This format is horrible. In the preview for the next episode they mention something about the "format changing course" - which I hope at the very least means two mixed teams.
I understand why there's an elimination aspect, but that's never been why the show appealed to me. It was appealing to watch the teams work together, change, and so forth. In this situation everyone is just relying on their current strengths. I've always thought that an amusing format for this show would be like the first Real World/Road Rules challenges when you have two set teams for the duration of the show of six or so. Instead of eliminating players, there would be prizes won throughout the duration and then a final challenge at the end for a "big" prize.
The other miserable aspect of the new format is the pacing. Originally you'd have the geeks challenge, beauty challenge, some drama, and the elimination. Now the drama has become a far bigger aspect, and uninteresting given that the girls are just trying to seduce the boys and the boys are upset about the girls fighting.