Cross Dressing Fashion Show

I've watched every season of BaTG, but this just had me in tears of laughter.

Chris's idea of a cross-dress fashion show was pure gold, and when he came down the stairs in drag I almost choked I laughed that hard.

Infact for the first time this series I actually laughed at something Joe did.

As much as I like Tara, Joe is just plain annoying.


That was, indeed, ridiculously funny. Tommy's imitation of "former girlfriend" Amber was funny as all hell. I loved it.

Arch Angel #9


I thought it was just a bit strange.


I'm with Stickman on this one, the whole idea of the drag contest kind of creeped me out. Although I'll admit that it was hilarious to see how uncomfortable Jason looked in drag and when Tommy said he was imitating Amber.
