
I don't know why but Tommy reminds me of Brandon Routh...
To me, he has that whole "Superman" look; the height, the curl in the middle of his forehead,
and of course the 'geekyness' that Clark Kent

Does anyone else agree?

"I Love you, come back to me."


Except Routh has 20 more pounds of muscle than him.


i guess...

Tommy does not really need to be on that show though, he was good looking before the makeover and sexy after the makeover, the worst thing the boy does is wear sweatervests...and he's a virgin

memoirs of a mad woman, by me out Feb 29th


The problem with Tommy is that he's an uptight, prudish stiff. Although the show focuses on Joe's right-wing stance -- as he's the prototypical neoconservative -- Tommy's paleoconservative leanings are blantantly obvious due to his strict religious upbringing. In the end, ultimately, Tommy needs to just become more socially aware and laid back regarding life in general; it'll be at that point in which he can truly shed the geek label.

Good Times


but that does not a geek make, He's not socially inept, from the episodes he's the most outgoing of the geeks, he's just sensitive towards sex, and most men conservative or not are...He's innocent, and that's not geeky, it's quite cute especially during these times where most men are either douches or cocky as hell...

Tommy is not a geek, otherwise every innocent man in this world who loves their mother is

memoirs of a mad woman, by me out Feb 29th


Although the show focuses on Joe's right-wing stance -- as he's the prototypical neoconservative

Sure, Joe takes that cowboy shtick to extremes, but I don't think he's a neocon. I don't remember him expressing any political views on this show.

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"
