MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Geek (2005) Discussion > What's with the horrible haircuts?

What's with the horrible haircuts?

Do people really think these haircuts are good on the guys? With the exception of Tommy most of them look like they are styled in a wind tunnel.

What's with all the strange spiked hair and they look like they just climbed out of bed? Don't they have access to a comb and a mirror?

And Joe was right. He would have looked better with a more conservative look.
He's being treated like he is just a big negative complainer but he's just smarter about what works for him.


i thought gregg's was cool. tommy's hair was too light. plus he's already sexy.



But the dying of the hair! Ughhh. Terrible. Jesse's looked especially horrible.

Arch Angel #9


I thought most of the haircuts were disastrous - although frankly the stylists didn't have much to work with. These geeks - and I like 'em, don't get me wrong - are unusually odd-looking (like the geek with the huge cranium and premature balding, or the "buff geek" with the strange smile) and haircuts that would work on a trendy average joe just seemed to clash with their characters.

They want to "improve" the geek's image but sometimes trying too hard to ignore who they are just seems to call more attention to their geekiness. You can't just give Cowboy Joe a Beverly Hills haircut and call it a day: it doesn't work well.

I agree that Cowboy was unfairly treated: he knew who he was. A great makeover would have allowed him to incorporate elements of his personality into the new look. I'm not saying he didn't need to change - that's why he's there obviously - but he didn't have to become another urban city-guy in with the latest hairstyle and clothes.

He could've been helped to modernize the cowboy look and keep some classic cowboy clothes like Levis, string tie, boots, or even the hat. I'm not saying ALL of this stuff - 'cause he'd be exactly in the same place - but there's got to be away to be part of the crowd without total conformity.

I bet next episode we'll see that "back to normal" and if not during the show, then when it's over.


this was my least favorite transformation. i liked most of them better b4, espeshially whoever it was with the humongous forehead. and tommy looked much better b4 and i hate how he kept saying how cool he looked.


I agree with ostrolla. I don't think I liked a single makeover this year except for Matt's. His hair looked really good. Greggie's was too rock 'n roll, Tommy hair was WAY too light (his natural color brought out his chocolate eyes, this color washes him out), and the Buff guy stayed the same.

The only one I actually liked was Joe's. I thought he actually looked really good.

But I really wonder about this salon they went to ... if they had any idea about color coordination, they wouldn't have done half the things they've done in the past two seasons.


Some of them definitely need some radical plastic surgery (if they went that far on this show) like straightening of teeth or reducing their giant heads.


Its more about giving them confidence than it is the actual makeover. However, I can't understand all Joe's bit ching. He is there for a reason, which is that he can't get any interest from women. I think he might be to forgone to change. I know if I was around him he would annoy the piss out of me.

thats what she said
