Joe and Randi's fight

Who thought that was unnecessary?
I mean, it all started with a harmless joke of Tommy scaring Tara which I thought
was kind of mean as well, and I get that Joe standed up for Tara and then Randi starts
charging in and starts lashing out at Joe calling him names and cussing at him and then
Joe spit at her, in my opinion both of them were both at fault in the
first place but who thought the whole fight was blown out of proportion?

"I Love you, come back to me."


The whole thing was definitely weird, but I found myself actually backing up Joe. Granted, spitting was probably not the best thing to do, but Jesus, someone needed to tell Randi off, and I was thankful that Joe AND Tara stood up to her. She's just one of those low lives you'll never change because they think they're God's gift to everyone. I almost threw up in my mouth a little during the end when Randi was like, "I know I've changed everyone's life on this show in a positive way." Ew.

As much as I really don't like Joe, I felt like he was actually trying to change this episode by protecting Tara.

The whole thing was really weird though. If Randi had kept her big trap shut, it would have been done and over with.



Joe was definitely right to stand up for his partner. If he honestly that prank would seriously upset Tara then he did the right thing. Randi is just a mean, confrontational bitch. Joe shouldn't have spit near her (he did not spit on her), but her reaction after that should have gotten her kicked off the show.



I really started to like Joe during this episode and I really think he has a lot of room to change, and I think he's really beginning to want to change. He and Tara kind of remind me of Dave and Jasmyn from last season, I hated them at first, but once Dave started to let his guard down and work with Jasmyn I really started to like them and was happy when they won it all.


They were both at fault; but Randi was at fault first. Joe shouldn't have had to explain himself to Randi at all. He should have simply been able to say, "Tara is my patner, and this is my room (not yours). Now get out; end of story." But instead Randi had to be a b**** and start insulting Joe.

He shouldn't have spit at her; but she definitely needed to be put in her place.


Joe didn't even spit on her - he spit on the floor. He was trying to be nice at the end and randi wouldn't have it. She sucks - I loved greggie and will miss him but I am glad she is off the show.
