AWWWW MAAN!!! (spoiler)

I dunno ppl. Im done with the show for this current season.

After I saw my boy Jim go finished with the show...pissed actually.

Heres my reason. The rest of the geeks arent really "geeky looking". One reason I watch this show is to see really weird looking and dressed guys. When I say weird looking, I mean in terms of how they grow their hair out (facial hair, hair on head). Glasses that are way too big. Things like that. I watch the show MAINLY for the makeover episode and im a guy. After that I could care less who wins

My boy Jim. I really liked this dude. Seemed like he deserved to last longer than this week. I really wanted to see how the makeover would have made him look. Seemed like he was growing with the competition, his partner was nice looking. He wanted it. I wanted it for him too.

The current cast (leftovers) are all normal looking dudes. No fully beared guys. Most of the leftover geeks have short hair on there heads or balding. Tommy looks like a guy I used to know in University. That dude is a punk for voting for Jim.

I guess Joe is alright...but dude PISSES ME OFF. I wanted him to lose.

This might be a bad MAKEOVER episode. None of the guys are gonna have DRASTIC changes as in previous seasons. Maybe in clothes, but who cares bout that stuff. We watch makeover episodes to see geeks LOOK different. Thats why I watch anyway.



What about Matt? He has “Glasses that are way too big” and he is more “weird looking” than Jim.


Matt's glasses are so weird. What was up with Matt whispering to Tiffany at the end, saying "you'll do great things" -- I'm sorry, but that was really corny. lol

Seriously, Tom sucks. He doesn't even look like a geek. What more can you do to that guy for a makeover besides dye his hair. Jim would've been way more interesting. I wanted his beard shaved!! Jim reminds me of a young Steve Jobs. haha. Joe is really annoying, trying to be a colonel all the time. I don't care for John and Chris either.

This season really is BS. All the good contestants are being kicked off way too early. I didn't think it was fair how Jillian got kicked off for losing some stupid flag football game on an opposite team.

But you know what... it was all Tiffany's fault. She couldn't even buzz in once and answer a question. That really sucked for Jim.


i LOVED tiffany and jim. the rest of the season is gonna suck..the only team im rooting for is Matt and Liticia now.

the other geeks arnt "geeks" you guys are right.
jason- the buff geek...okay that isnt geeky. did you see his muscles in the talent show episode?? and Tom is normal, he doesnt seem to have any geeky things really about him. greg the gaysian isnt going to have a good makeover..he already has a good sense of style and is fine, except for being a little socially awkward. and Joe is SO annoying he just needs to GO.

as for the girls like seriously Tara and Cara- they suck! they are so annoying

this season is so bad could CW not pick good people or what!?

xoxo, gossip girl


the sad thing was that tom picked jim because he looked like a nerd and might intimidate him in the future. i love it though that he's all like let's be fair and put the only team that hasn't been in the elimination room yet. u could tell that he was dying to put tiffany and jim inside. $crew U TOM.


Here here!
The makeovers are a big reason I adore this show but it truly has gone downhill.

Even Joe's makeover was horrid - he now looks like an overly fat James Spader.

Running the risk of sounding insane, I nearly cried as Jim left. I don't understand the new system, it does /not/ work.


quote: 'Even Joe's makeover was horrid - he now looks like an overly fat James Spader.'

ROFL ....tis true!


Au contraire! I like these guys but they're clearly ALL geeks. I'm looking at the cast photos ( ) and if they're not geeklike in appearance then who is?

Even Jason, the buff geek: having muscles doesn't make him less socially awkward with women or having a geeklike grin as if he's your company's computer guy and acting as if you're a chimp 'cause your PC doesn't boot. Tom, the sweater vest enthusiast, may not - at first glance - seem as geeky but listening to his comments and odd beliefs (like his "I'm going to be dating a supermodel after the show") clearly shows he's not flirted with enough women to know he was being played.

I understand though what you mean about the makeovers being disappointing. I feel though it's because most of these guys didn't seem to ENHANCE their geekiness in advance - like they seem to have done in previous seasons. I mean last season, some of those guys came in with haircuts that I can't believe they would normally have.

So if they're not wearing beards or shoulder length hair or dressed in really old-fashioned clothes - it's harder to be dramatically made-over.

I WISH Jim had survived the cut: he'd have been dramatic 'cause he looked like some backwoods hermit and he'd have been a dramatic makeover.

BTW: I LIKE COWBOY JOE. He's opinionated, true, but in a time where so many people are wishy-washy normal back-biting gossip behind your back snobbish, Joe let's you know where you stand with him. I'd rather have someone like him around, then some geek or beauty who makes fun of you whenever you're not there.

Try to see Joe in that light. If you're tired of all that fake friendliness and sarcastic gossiping behind someone's back, then you may appreciate Joe more. I do.


Man,I totally agree with you. Main reason for watching this show is to see THOSE BEARDS go off.. Now look what they have done: Jonathan out, JIM OUT. So what then, are we going to change Tom's sweaters? Let's face it - Tom is not geek. He's regular under-dated man.
Hey, and what about gay-sians? I have nothing against gay, but man, gaysian Greg is taking real geek's place. He didn't need a makeover, and doesn't benefit from the beauties.. He wasted this place on the show!

This season is so spoiled that I don't know if I'll watch it anymore.


I agree that none of the geeks are really that geeky. Season 2 were the most geekiest in my opinion, and that's what made it one of the best seasons.
