I love you, now get off.

I thought it was really funny how Joe and the other geek practically declared there love for each other, then voted each other off the show.

Geek 1: "I love you like a brother. You're my soul mate. I have nothing but love for you... That's being said, I've decided to vote you off the show."
Geek 2: "I love you more than anything too.... but I've decided to vote you off too."


And Tara, you're not attracted to Joe. We get it. There's no need to keep telling us just how disgusting you find him. You chose him as a partner, remember. Stop dogging him at every chance you get.


I thought it was really funny how Joe and the other geek practically declared there love for each other, then voted each other off the show.

Yeah, the Joe and Jason thing was funny and odd at the same time.

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"


i've noticed since the beginning how immature tara acts, sort of like a little girl in third grade who's afraid of cooties...and she makes such a big deal about being disgusted by joe and before him, that creepy geek - john, almost in a way to create some illusion that she's so much prettier and attractive than she really is



I really don't get why she picked Joe because the other one had way more potential then Joe. I can't remember his name but no one hated him and frankly he wasn't disgusting. I wish she would grow up alittle though.


his name was jonathan. had she picked him, he might have been the hottest one of the house after the makeover. but she didnt like him from the beginning which is sad, and she practically chose the one person that everybody else in the house hated. not really seeing why, as she hates him and even agrees with the other people on the show which is wierd because he stuck up for her when the people of the house ganged up on her in the episode. if its anyone, i think tara needs the most help in the show, even more than the beauties.
