Final episode

Well next week is the final episode and according to the TV guide and the CW commercial everyone who has been eliminated comes back! Yay we get to see John E., the lovely Jillian, and Jim again!! But I wonder what the purpose of everyone coming back will be. And I guess that's why there's no official "reunion episode" because they will all reunite for the final episode anyways (a la Season 3). Well hopefully Matt and Leticia win!! I will be so very pissed if Tommy and Amanda win (and judging from the preview, Tommy and Amber are reunited and back to their old ways).

Here's the commercial if anyone's interested in watching it:


Too bad, it really could have lasted a couple more seasons.

Unlike what other people say, I feel the show needs to change more and not less. Even with the new twists they pull out, the show stayed basically the same.

For example, the beauties vs. geeks didn't change the interaction between the two in the mansion. And it only lasted a couple of weeks so it wasn't a big deal. Also I suspect the contestants knew all along they would eventually be paired up (they didn't act surprised when told).

If they really want to change the show, make it like the Amazing Race or something where everyone travels around and has "life-changing experiences."


who got eliminated on tuesday? I missed the episode. Does anybody know?

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?


Try going to the TBATG official site and you can watch the episodes there.

"we have magnums"
Hunter S. Thompson


Tara and Joe were eliminated.

xoxo, gossip girl


Well, there it was- shows over.

Another victim of the Idol monster!


Aww even though Tommy and Amanda won (which yes I am pissed about it, like I said I would be haha) it was still a great show, one of the only interesting reality shows out there. I'm definitely going to miss it, I can't believe that's it, we're never going to meet another batch of quirky geeks or mindless beauties again =(

Ugh and American Idol is so freaking overrated! I would choose to watch BATG over Idol any day, I tried watching Idol once but omg it was soooooo freaking boring, I honestly don't understand what the big deal is with that show.


Good final episode, but they should have showed more of the race to get house mates I thought. It was also unlucky the way Matt and Leticia got eliminated, one twist too far maybe.

So is that the final season then?
I'll be really dissapointed if it is, it is the best reality TV show by far.


Well the word out there is that the show is going on "hiatus" for awhile and chances are it won't be returning at all. However, there is still some small hope that it may return one day since it hasn't been officially canceled, but if it comes back it won't be for a long time AND it will probably be a whole different show because the executive producers have announced that they are trying to think up some bigger twists, perhaps focusing the show on age differences (what on earth that has to do with beauties and geeks is beyond me), meaning it will probably be like watching a whole different show.
