Tommy + Amber together?

I keep hearing that they dated after the show, but I can't find proof. Where are people getting this info from, and can anyone say for sure if it's true?

It makes me gag to think that anyone could fall under Amber's spell, especially someone like Tommy. She's just ridiculous. Hello Cecille times two!


Well there's not much proof since it's mostly just internet rumors but I asked around because I was wondering the same thing and apparently the proof that there was is that when the show started and up till like last week Tommy's myspace had Amber as his top friend and as his status on his page it said "in a relationship." Likewise, Amber's myspace said that her status was "in a relationship" and she had Tommy as her #1 friend. About 1 or 2 weeks ago though Amber mysteriously disappeared all together from Tommy's top friends and at the very same time his status changed to "single" and Tommy also disappeared from Amber's top friends (recently her myspace page seems to have disappeared altogether though). More proof was that on some boards, perhaps the boards, a couple of different people came forward back when the show started claiming to have seen Tommy and Amber together in places and once someone claiming to be one of Tommy's friends online said that Tommy had introduced Amber to him as his girlfriend. I think that's where the rumors started, if they really did or didn't though was never really confirmed from a reliable source.


She must have spent all his $250,000 and so she fell out of "love" with him.
Pity. LOL

Don't any of these people realize this is just a tv show? These women put on brave faces but honestly they still wouldn't have anything to do with these guys once the show wrapped.

I know that is a hard reality to learn but come on....

Did you see the look of horror on Amanda's face when Tommy hugged her at the end and said this isn't the end? LOL

Yeah right, buddy. She's probably already got a boyfriend in real life.


hahaha my thoughts exactly on why they mysteriously broke up so recently, damn she must have spent that money fast but then again she always did seem "high maintenance."

But I agree with you, in reality none of these girls would probably date any of these guys after the show. It's definitely an exaggeration that these people will change from a mere show, although sure the geeks might change a bit and gain some confidence and stuff but you know the women are all in it for the money and couldn't care less about anything else, if anyone proves that it's Season 3 winner Megan and her recent stint on Rock of Love.


more proof I have pictures of them togeter!


many sources, search on google, they had each other on their myspaces, but they broke up fairly recently =/. I even have pictures of them after the show when they were dating.

whoa amber is nothing like cecile, no one is!


I once msg that "Amanda" (not 100% sure it was real or not) but she said she was dating Tom...

but the profile was deleted and i can not check a msg from a deleted person :(

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