My vote goes to Cecille Gahr from season 3. seriously where did they find this disgusting thing? she completely ruined season 3 for me because she made it to the final 2.. I really could not look at her for longer than 1 second otherwise I would just feel sick. so far, I've only seen up to season 3 but I'm sure there's no one who can out-ugly Cecille. she is just so ugly both on the inside and outside - she even said out loud to everyone that she didn't learn or expect to change from her experience at the house.
I'm guessing you meant season 3 because Megan was that seasons winner. but yeah I agree as I totally hated how she won.. she was nearly just as bad as Cecille. I would have so loved to see Nadia take it out.
and damn.. that's got to suck for you entej - I totally hate it when people spoil a show or I accidently spoil it for myself.. and thats exactly why I tend to avoid searching up anything about a show which I know has already finished somewhere else in the world.
I meant remark about Jasmine, I take it she won 4th season?...
This crap happened to me again, before I watched season 3 my friend "accidentaly" told me about Magan (what is wrong with them, huh?). Cecille was a real bitch... It was better for everyone's sake for Megan to win. But mostly from S3 I like Jennylee (Jamielee?), she reminds me of Kristen Bell :)
I didn't even realise that E_Orr's comment about Jasmine was related to the fact that she was a winner on the show.. I did read your reply before I had finished watching season 4 but at that time I really did not think Jasmine would have won so I guess that's why I thought that way.
well now that I've watched season 5 I can definitely say that the most arrogant "beauty" ever is Amber ;) she is so not freaking attractive in any way at all!! Randi would definitely be on my top 5 list of ugliest 'beauties" also.. and all I can say to Tommy is - you are a dumbass!
Seconded. Jesus christ, how does anyone find that attractive? I especially gagged in the recap episode where we had to see her talk about herself in one compilation clip. I done lol'd when she talked about her hair though. That's the most disgusting pile of style-damaged crap I've seen. I usually don't even blow dry and I can achieve a more natural, well volumed head of hair than that dry, tangled fist of hay. And her boobs were really scary and gross D: like, wear a bandeau with support, they're sagging in opposite directions. Ugh.
I think Tommy was just overwhelmed by the fact that a woman was paying that much attention to him. He just needed more confidence and the belief that he could do better. He had the looks and the intellectual smarts to attract a hot, intelligent, well-articulated and educated woman. And it's amazing how many of those you can find in a university if you know where to look. He had prime access to the territory, he just didn't make use it.
I thought that Shay from S4 was really pretty though, all around. She wasn't afraid to admit she had her faults, and she made huge effort to change. You could really tell that from her audition clips and then the later segments. She was domineering, that part of her isn't going to change, but she wasn't disgustingly obnoxious about it like 80% of the women in S5. I thought she'd totally make an MILF in the future >_> and not one of those neglectful beautyqueen moms either. Just a real hot mom.
I agree cecille was very ugly and was also a bitch.I dident mind that megan won she was pretty good looking and I would take megan anyday over cecille.Plus scooter was cool to.
People actually still say negro? Goodness. Anyway, Cecille by far was the ugliest "beauty" inside and out of all 5 seasons. I couldn't believe they actually put that beast on the show as a beauty. She and Megan (a total butterface, not a "beauty") RUINED season 3 for me. That season was the beginning of the end of this show.
"'Negro' is about the same to say 'Caucasian' to white people." It's not the same at all. And it's not being 'politically correct', it just plain politeness. You call people what they want to be called, not what you think they should be. How would you like it if someone called YOU whatever name they wanted just because they thought it's what you should be?