Liev kill Wolvie

Why the hell was he made Sabertooth. He is the most sterile, unappealing rigid prick that has donned a Marvel outfit. I think his poor choice at what could have been a genre defining character sunk Wolvie.
As a fan really, I mean really, look at his performance and tell me it didn't ruin the movie.


While Sabertooth in the first X-Men movie looked the part, he was nothing more than a stiff henchman.

At least in this one, Liev was more intimidating.

I won't say he ruined the movie because I liked the movie.


He made Sabertooth interesting but his character became useless after Wolverine got his surgery.


Don't forget that he wanted the surgery as well. Either Stryker didn't think he would survive it, or he lied to keep from having another one with adamantium. Of course, he had Wade so he didn't need Victor any more.


Stryker was so full of *beep* that I don't know what to believe. I like how he made Logan indestructible and then send Zero with handguns after him.


What set Marvel fans apart from DC fanbois and Nolanites is that while I really liked this movie, I have no problem admitting that was stupid.

DC fanbois and Nolanites cannot bring themselves to admit there were actual flaws in movies they like. They think doing so will negate their pathetic existences. 
