The Producers or Fox to blame?

I think the problems with this one and The Last Stand is not the directors fault but the planning of the films and the producers going back and forth never satisfied with the script. They start filming to soon and the production is rushed. Another problem is that they do not trust the director and the story they are trying to tell so they try to fit in as many of the popular mutants as possible and I think that comes from the producers.




Read this,

So really, Fox. But Tom Rothman primarily. It's a very good thing he's no longer in charge of the company.

2014: The Year of Godzilla


Whoever thought it was a good idea to change Deadpool into Baraka.


Fox, the movie was supposed to be Rated R and very gritty, dark, bloody, and gory but Tom Rothman wouldn’t allow it


And yet, it's a good movie.

Good not great, but still fun to watch.
