Wolverines Father

Let me see if I got this straight...Wolverine believed the nice man on the bed was his father. The other man was Sabertooth's father-not sure if his lived with him or not. Did they have the same mother? Was the mother still having a relationship with man who killed her husband and that's why there was a fight? Are the two boys half brothers or what? And the little boy Wolverine looked like he was so sick in bed, but was able to run away with no problem. Did losing his temper and unleashing his superpowers cure him?


I took it that they were full brothers, but I never quite got why the thought someone else was their father. I stopped reading the comics before they got in to a huge back-story for Logan and haven't gone back to really read it.

And the little boy Wolverine looked like he was so sick in bed, but was able to run away with no problem. Did losing his temper and unleashing his superpowers cure him?

I think think most mutant powers start to manifest during puberty. And, Logan said how Victor used to get "sick" a lot too - so that seems to mean that it was Logan's time to develop powers.

In other words, he wasn't sick in the normal sense. His mutant powers were starting to manifest themselves.


I took it that they were full brothers, but I never quite got why the thought someone else was their father.

They had the same father, but different mothers so they were indeed half-brothers. Thomas Logan (the guy young Wolverine clawed to death) had Sabretooth with one woman and then had an affair with Wolverine's mother behind the back of her husband, who Wolverine grew up thinking was his actual father.

I stopped reading the comics before they got in to a huge back-story for Logan and haven't gone back to really read it.

The brothers angle isn't from the comics. It was, at one point, intended that Sabretooth would be Wolverine's father, but that was dropped.


re the two boys half brothers or what?


And the little boy Wolverine looked like he was so sick in bed, but was able to run away with no problem. Did losing his temper and unleashing his superpowers cure him?

Yes. Wolverine has a healing factor, remember? That's part of his mutant powers.

Can't stop the signal.


good point. the moment his mutant power kicked in it immediately healed him from the sickness he had earlier.

what I find fishy about this whole scene is that the man who Logan thought was his father looked a lot more like him (like hugh jackman), and the other father looked like sabertooth. so if he was Logan's father too how come Logan looked like his adoptive father?

maybe he had two fathers, the mutant sperm of sabertooth's dad might have entered together with the other man's sperm (doesn't happen in real life but since this is fantasy mutants it's possible) and so he grew up looking like his first dad but with the mutant gene of his second dad


There is an important point that it seems many miss about the father thing...

We learn in the intro that Creed and Logan share fathers and so are brothers or half brothers. And for this reason they stick together for nearly a century. An odd couple where one is essentially good and the other evil. And yet as brothers they stick together and this unfortunately effects Logan in a bad way - that is until he frees himself and leaves for the Canadian woods.... In many ways he was a captive until then.

However, the abusive father has an obvious physical resemblance to how Creed will later look (and not only physically). And the "adopted" gentleman father has a very obvious resemblance to Logan - both in his kindness and his physical look (it is quite amazing how they could find an actor looking so much like Jackman).

So why did the filmmakers do this, if the abusive father was the only father?

The answer is of course that they are in fact not brothers.

The absuive father had an affaire with Logan's mother and for this reason the man arrogantly believed he was the father of this higher class kid... However we know now how Logan later got his real fathers looks, and so It must be untrue.

Creed and Logan's relationship is a lie and their brotherhood is fake. They are opposite and ethically they are not bound to each other. This matters in many of their later battles. They are in fact enemies. Logan has the menacing beast in him because of a century of bestiallity however and unlike Creed he is fundamentally good.... This father mixup explains us why this is so and why we can and must trust the Wolverine.

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


However, the abusive father has an obvious physical resemblance to how Creed will later look (and not only physically). And the "adopted" gentleman father has a very obvious resemblance to Logan - both in his kindness and his physical look (it is quite amazing how they could find an actor looking so much like Jackman).

This is an interesting point. You may be right. That still doesn't explain why Logan and Creed have similar mutant powers anyway.

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Indeed, but as far as I am concerned the only "power" they share is that of rapid healing and this power is shared by many in the x-men universe and is by no means exclusive to Logan, plus Logan has a much faster and better healing ability than Creed - doesn't mean much of course, but they are not that similar in even this "power".

Other confirmed brothers and/or sisters in the x-men universe usually have very dissimilar powers... so if they were in fact brothers, their so-called similarity is rather an anomaly than a normally. Besides, the comics does not join them on the family tree eather, again means little, but worth a note :-)

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


as an older LONG time X-men / Wolverine / Sabertooth follower remember mutants with the same or very very similar powers, like Logan and Victor) are RELATED genetically in a very direct way.


how so?

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **
