So Stryker is expecting Wolverine at the end? And other questions.
That's why Kayla is hanging around? So Stryker can say to Wolverine, 'ha, we were just screwing with your mind it was all a trick!'
Why would Stryker want to do this? Because he's a dick? Because he wanted to try out Weapon 11 on Wolverine? Was he expecting Wolverine? Based on what?
How long has she been hanging around? Does she live there? How long has she been doing stuff because Stryker has her sister, years? After she faked her own death (and assuming some fake paramedics took her way, to fill in that plot hole), she's been twiddling her thumbs over at Stryker's lab. Even though she has mind-control powers that definitely work on Stryker, who lets her just wander around.
Oh and later Stryker goes to shoot Kayla, but she grabs his ankle and mind-controls him. You'd think he would be know well enough not to get within touching distance. He's got a gun he can kill her from four feet away. But then she dies anyway, from... nothing. She's picked up a flesh would some point after Sabretooth lifts her by the throat and when they free the other mutants - is this what she dies from? When did she receive this wound?
Some of these may be not be plot-holes, I may have missed the explanation. But I just rewatched the last half a few times, which was hard as it's a terrible movie, and I still couldn't find the answers to these questions.
Kylo Ren is one of the weakest force users we've seen. That's a fact.share