There is an important point that it seems many miss about the father thing... or rather, their brotherhood. Hear me out and tell me what you think:
We learn in the intro that Creed and Logan share fathers and so are brothers or half brothers. And for this reason they stick together for nearly a century.
An odd couple where one is essentially good and the other evil. And yet as brothers they stick together and this unfortunately effects Logan in a bad way - that is until he frees himself and leaves for the Canadian woods.... In many ways he was a captive until then.
However, the abusive father in the intro has an obvious physical resemblance to how Creed will later look (and not only physically). And the "adopted" gentleman father has a very obvious resemblance to Logan - both in his kindness and his physical look (it is quite amazing how they could find an actor looking so much like Jackman. And this is no coincidence).
So why did the filmmakers do this, if the abusive father was the biological shared father?
The answer is of course that they are in fact not brothers.
The abusive father had an affair with Logan's mother and for this reason the man arrogantly believed he was the father of this higher class kid... However we know now how Logan later got his gentleman fathers looks, and so this simply cannot be true.
Creed and Logan's relationship is a lie and their brotherhood is fake. And I think this makes their story even more interesting.
They are opposite and ethically they are not bound to each other. This matters in many of their later battles. They are in fact enemies. Logan has the menacing beast in him because of a century of bestiality however and unlike Creed he is fundamentally good and so they are fundamentally not of a kind.... The father mix-up explains us why this is so and why we can and must have trust in the Wolverine.
What do you think?
___________ ** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **
You know, Wolverine's mother could have simply picked a partner (or a partner was picked for her) who had a familial resemblance. A good number of people have a psychological tenancy to do that so Wolverine could resemble the man he thought of his father, not simply out of shear coincidence, (which is a possibility as well) but due to attempted biological selection. Wolverine could have, for example, inherited his looks from his maternal grandfather who looks like the man who he thought to be his father.
Many viewers like familial relations to be depicted simply on screen and if they aren't then they deem what they're seeing as unrealistic. If two related characters don't look similar then it's bad casting and if two unrelated individuals look like one another there's something going on. The number of conversations where I've seen people say an actor playing a best friend should have played a sibling instead because they look alike are legion. In those many cases, here's no reason to think that there was a conspiracy that the casting choice was trying to hint at and, in real life, genetics are more nuanced.
There have been paternity suits where people claim a child isn't there's because they don't think the child looks like them and it turns out that the child is theirs. There are also cases where people accept a child that isn't biologically theirs because they see themselves in the kid, and so do those around them. That could have been all the casting was intended to portend; the man who Wolverine thought of his father, thought of Wolverine as his son because they happened to look alike.
Is it possible that you are correct? Sure, but it's thin and, unless they're disregarding that bit about males passing on the gene from "X2," which is a possibility, then it's an even bigger coincidence because both men would have to have been responsible for them developing powers, not the common mother.
You know, Wolverine's mother could have simply picked a partner (or a partner was picked for her) who had a familial resemblance. A good number of people have a psychological tenancy to do that so Wolverine could resemble the man he thought of his father, not simply out of shear coincidence, (which is a possibility as well) but due to attempted biological selection. Wolverine could have, for example, inherited his looks from his maternal grandfather who looks like the man who he thought to be his father.
I am not sure if I follow? Logan will later look very much like his gentleman father, and not like Creeds father, who is supposed to be his real father. And you say he will look like this not because the gentleman father is his real father, but because… Creeds grandfather looks like him??? No, I don’t follow… do you mean his mother picked a secret lover because his grandfather looked like her husband? And this is what the movie makers wanted to show us??
Many viewers like familial relations to be depicted simply on screen and if they aren't then they deem what they're seeing as unrealistic. If two related characters don't look similar then it's bad casting and if two unrelated individuals look like one another there's something going on. The number of conversations where I've seen people say an actor playing a best friend should have played a sibling instead because they look alike are legion. In those many cases, here's no reason to think that there was a conspiracy that the casting choice was trying to hint at and, in real life, genetics are more nuanced.
I do not disagree. Though there may be something else here... Or rather too much of a coincidence to be just a coincidence.
The actor who played Logan’s father has an uncanny resemblance to Jackman... cannot be by chance. At first, I actually thought it was Jackman playing his own father…. and this resemblance in the movie universe makes sense only if they are in fact related…. Otherwise why else do it from the movie makers pow? Especially when the story shortly hereafter tells us and him that he was not the dad...
This observation coupled with the fact that Creeds dad also has a strong resemblance to how Creed later looks… well, it seem to be a deliberate choice.
To this choice, I see only two answers: A: it is a freaky coincidence B: it is to tell us something. And given the fact that their brotherhood and their difference is a strong theme in the story, then it makes more sense to me if B is the correct answer. And I think what they told us is that they are actually not brothers.
…That could have been all the casting was intended to portend; the man who Wolverine thought of his father, thought of Wolverine as his son because they happened to look alike.
…. But they did not look alike as kids…. That came much later when Jackman started his role…. In other words; when both the dads were long gone. This lookalike is only obvious to us the viewers, who already knows how Wolverine is going to look in his later years. So the movie makers made this resemblance for our benefit, not the characters.
Is it possible that you are correct? Sure, but it's thin and, unless they're disregarding that bit about males passing on the gene from "X2," which is a possibility, then it's an even bigger coincidence because both men would have to have been responsible for them developing powers, not the common mother.
. Well as far as I am concerned the only "power" they share is that of rapid healing and this power is shared by many in the x-men universe and is by no means exclusive to Logan, plus Logan has a much faster and better healing ability than Creed - doesn't mean much of course, but they are not that similar in even this "power". Their other powers are not shared.
Also worth noting that other confirmed brothers and/or sisters in the x-men universe usually have very dissimilar powers... so if they were in fact brothers, their so-called similarity is rather an anomaly than a normally. Besides, the comics does not join them on the family tree eather, means little, but worth a note :-)
By reason for my OP is my wonder to why the movie makers so obviously, and we must assume intentionally, picked the two dads to look so similar to how both Creed and Logan looks as grownups. Uncannily similar. I say, they did this to actually tell us they are really not brothers.
___________ ** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **
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I am not sure if I follow? Logan will later look very much like his gentleman father, and not like Creeds father, who is supposed to be his real father. And you say he will look like this not because the gentleman father is his real father, but because… Creeds grandfather looks like him??? No, I don’t follow… do you mean his mother picked a secret lover because his grandfather looked like her husband? And this is what the movie makers wanted to show us??
No, I said "maternal" grandfather not "paternal" so I'm suggesting that Wolverine's mother's father looks like who you refer to as Wolverine's "gentleman father" and his mother possibly married him because he had a familiar face. Studies have shown that that is rather common:
"According to research reported in the July 2010 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, we are attracted to people who resemble our parents or ourselves."
The affair with Creed, on the other hand, might have been one of convenience.
The "gentleman father" could also have been a cousin, which is one explanation for the increased attraction to people who look like family:
"Researchers at the deCODE Genetics company in Reykjavik, reporting in a 2008 issue of Science, found that marriages between third or fourth cousins in Iceland tended to produce more children and grandchildren than those between completely unrelated individuals. The researchers suggest that marrying third and fourth cousins may be optimal for reproduction because this degree of genetic similarity may produce the best gene pool."
…. But they did not look alike as kids…. That came much later when Jackman started his role…. In other words; when both the dads were long gone. This lookalike is only obvious to us the viewers, who already knows how Wolverine is going to look in his later years. So the movie makers made this resemblance for our benefit, not the characters.
*shrugs* I think the kid looks like the guy playing his non-biological father.
. Well as far as I am concerned the only "power" they share is that of rapid healing and this power is shared by many in the x-men universe and is by no means exclusive to Logan, plus Logan has a much faster and better healing ability than Creed - doesn't mean much of course, but they are not that similar in even this "power". Their other powers are not shared.
I was more referring to powers in general, not shared powers (although that too). In order for a mutant with powers (healing, telekinesis, power absorption, whatever) to be born it was said that a human father (and not the mother) is the cause. That means that both men had to have been carriers who were responsible for the woman they reproduced with to have mutant children... in a time when mutation was rare.
What are the chances of that and then that, yes, they'd both have animalistic/healing powers? Sure, unrelated people develop similar powers in the X-men universe but they do so within a global population of millions of mutants. We're talking about two people born within a few years of each other in the same exact place during the 1800s when the atomic age had not yet led to an explosion of mutant births (per First Class). That's a big coincidence too and I would argue bigger than the explanation that they simply had the same biological father and the person Wolverine thought of his father looked similar to him because of biological selection since people commonly end up with partners who look like them or a family member.
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Yes, that two fathers in this regional area would carry the mutant gene is quite remarkable. I agree with you. Naturally one can speculate that perhaps they were somehow attracted to each other like their sons later are and so they ended up living near each other, for no apparent reason other than some odd feeling of connection.. Like an instinct draw.... but this is just me making stuff up and trying to defend how this could be...
Listen, I do not disagree with your points above. But you are attacking this from a realistic real world approach when I take it from a movie-making fake world approach, if you will:
Why would the movie makers (not the real world) pick an actor for the gentleman father that looks like the spitting image of Hugh Jackman (incredibly so), if this father only moments after is reviled to be not his father? I say they did this to tell us something deeper... and perhaps what this was was the hidden fact that they actually were not brothers.... in a way, it makes the story all the more interesting and tragic - that Logan lives a lie for so long and under such brutality and all because of a deceit, which he will never learn about.
[And on top of this; the actor chosen to play Creeds father looks a lot like Liev Schreiber. Movie makers did this for a reason]
Do you at least see why I ponder?
___________ ** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **