the REAL Puchi
I feel Punchi was really misrepresented in this film. In really REAL life, the REAL Punchi was a ruthless dictator who forced enslaved kidnapped children to work in her brutal blood mines, mining blood. When each of the children turned 12 she single-handedly crippled them, and sold them off as sexual slaves to the White House. Furthermore, she would sometimes volunteer at hospital and put the AIDS virus in people medicines. Often she would go to the movies, take a dump in the seats and wait for someone to sit in it and just laugh. She often clubbed whales for oil for her tons and tons of makeup. Furthermore, she often practiced witchcraft as well as b i t chcraft to put awful hexes upon her enemies such as Jane Fondlea and Jack Nipleson. However, Hennifer Hlopez choose to portray her as a noble, mighty, and pious sea captain, who was secretly an Martian from Mars who was brought to Earth to bring peace on Earth and goodwill towards men just in time for Christmas, who ends up being crucified and sacrificed for the sins of all man. Oh yeah and in the movie she had a son, but in REAL life, the real Punchi had a self-induced miscarriage/abortion before her son was born. She laughed the whole time and ended up eating the remains. I feel this was a gross misrepresentation of the REAL Punchi. I wondered why the produced the allowed this to happen, but I recently heard Hennifer Hlopez persuaded them of her madd skillz with a cool performance of Jenny on the Block. What do YOU think?