MovieChat Forums > El cantante (2007) Discussion > why is it a 4.5? isn't that too low?

why is it a 4.5? isn't that too low?

i mean this movie was good, but i hate salsa. i don't know, like really "walk the line" was just as boring. the acting was very good, i think i respect JLO more now. she was very good, so was the other guy, mark anthony. They were both really good, i would expect this movie to be in the late 6's, like a 6.7 would suit it a lot.

what do you think?





Yeah she finally shined in a movie this was the first movie I like loved her in. And to the OP..his name is Marc Anthony not Mark Anthony. (sorry its just a little thing that bugs me when his name is spelled wrong.)

I love you...could that THING have cared for you like me?



I live in Puerto Rico and I'm a proud Puerto Rican but this movie sucked.


This movie was so good and the 4.8 this movie has is highly suspect. I don't care for j-lo and marc anthony like at all. J-lo's acting is usually so freakin' mediocre and I won't even begin on her singing but I gave this movie a 7. It really deserved like overally between a 6.5 and a 7 and for it to have such a low rating is really weird.

What's more dangerous than sincere ignorance?



yeah the film is more a 6 than a 4.5, the movie was Ok but the performances were great.



I agree this movie should have gotten around a 6. The performances were pretty good, J.LO was especially good, of course i knew she could act but she was great in this. Really raw and gritty performance. I was impressed.


how did this movie get a 4.5!?
this movie was excellent!
jennifer lopez's performance was so incredibly amazing and oustanding.
this should really get a higher rating, one it deserves!


little high if ya ask me
