Jenefer Lopez says she deserves an oscar for this.
That's a joke.
shareshe doesnt.
My Love
Well Im so glad she stayed humble about being overlooked. One question though - wouldn't she have to give a GOOD PERFORMANCE in order to be nominated? Just wondering.
How's life in a bigger prison, Dae-su?
Yes, I believe she should have won an Oscar because that woman was acting. Go back and watch the DVD. Trust me I never was a fan, but after this movie I was impressed with her performance. Also, looked at the transformation of Marc Anthony’s character from the beginning of the movie. Good performance!!!
"Plan your work for today and everyday,then work your plan." -Norman Vincent Peale
Yes, she deserved to be nominated. A member of the academy was the person that told her about her performance of Puchi shoul been nominated.
I agreed with him.
To those who laugh at the idea of her being nominated for this role, have you even seen the film? Or are you judging her from Wedding Planner and those types of films?
I've seen it a few times...she is really really great. If Vera Famiga and Anna Kendrick can be nominated for Up In The Air, it is beyond me why Jennifer wouldn't get nominated for this.
horrible singer? yes of course she is. Actress? she's okay with the potential to be amazing. she just doesn't know how to let it out.
Only movie jlo ever did outstanding in was "Selena" her performance there was breathtaking, the only movie that made me forget jlo was acting, she felt like Selena.
I guess her letting all the fame get to her made her keep less focus on her performances and more focus on her getting more publicity.
I think this had the potential to be a nominated performance and she did her best with what she was given, as did Mark Anthony. I'm not any kind of a fan of the two of them but they gave solid work in this movie. The only problem is that the material itself is so shallow and filmed like a bad MTV documentary that it never really becomes a good movie. It's just a series of beautifully lit images cut in interesting ways. Somewhere in the middle you have two people bringing these characters to life but it just gets lost between the pretty coloring and the big lyrics all over the screen.
ask the spokesperson, I don't have a brain
I was amazed at how she could look old in BW and young in color. Great acting!
shareDid you watch the film? She AT LEAST deserved a nomination, you haters!
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