Better Every Time I See It!
I have to admit, the first time I saw this movie I wasn't greatly thrilled/impressed. It seemed a pretty good action flick that paid homage to the WWII era and offered a good origin story and some nifty action sequences. That's right, I said "nifty." Deal with it. Point being, at first blush I would have given this movie about a 6.5-7.5/10.
But over the years I have warmed up to it and come to enjoy it more and more with repeat viewings. Upon last viewing I bumped it up to 8 and after watching tonight I moved that up to 9. It flows so smoothly, it doesn't even feel like 2 hours have passed. It's iver too quickly. And what with politics the way they are, the themes of the little guy standing up to bullies and doing the right thing resonates even more deeply.
It saddens my heart to see this at 6.8. It's not that it makes me think people don't like it, I just hate that the Marvel/DC divide makes people feel the need to do the down voting bs. As a Marvel/DC pacifist, even though Marvel is my first love I do enjoy much of WB's superhero fare, even Green Lantern which I think caught a bad rap, TDK trilogy as well as MoS/BvS. Anyway, I digress. This film is amazing and the perfect way to start a chronological watching of the MCU
I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.