You put a buncha muscles on a big nerd, doesn't all of a sudden make him an expert in throwing punches, or even being coordinated. In fact, he's be even LESS coordinated than before until he did training. The film tried to address this with making him momentarily waver around right when he left the chamber, but it lasted for what? 5 minutes? He had a lifetime of dorkism in him that would take at least months to counterbalance.
He had a lifetime of dorkism in him that would take at least months to counterbalance.
You do realize that there were actually months between the time he got the serum, which increased his metabolism and responses, and when he actually went into combat, right? Steve said he "knocked out Hitler over 200 times." That would mean he's been on the USO tour for at least a couple of months.
Plus, it isn't like he was doing any kind of fancy moves. He was mostly throwing rights. Same thing with his running right after he got the serum. We saw him waver and crash through the window as he was running, but he wasn't doing anything fancy.
Either way, if you have issues with the physics of comic book movies, you have real issues.
It could only be worse if, on the other hand, you loved Real Steel and had no problem with the physics of that movie.
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i disagree that he wasn't doing any 'fancy moves', though granted, i was inspired to post this thread after watching Civil War. Dude is flipping around 360 in the air, catching shield, throwing the shield, throwing punches and kicks while in mid-air.... he does some pretty amazing choreography... stuff only a professional athlete would've been able to accomplish.
i disagree that he wasn't doing any 'fancy moves', though granted, i was inspired to post this thread after watching Civil War
So, you are completely contradicting yourself then.
In TFA, he wasn't doing any of that stuff. By the time he was frozen, he had some fighting skills, but not much. After he was thawed, we saw him working out. We then saw his skills get better in The Avengers, CA:TWS, Age of Ultron and then CA:CW.
It is like saying that a 20 year old Olympic athlete couldn't do what they are doing because you saw them when they were at toddler always falling down.
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Ok.... you've made a decent point. You're saying that in the earlier films, he's more rough around the edges, but with practice, and time, and training, he gets really really (REALLY) good by the 3rd film.
I'm cool with that explanation. Its plausible. See? This is what message boards are for.
Discussions can work when both sides are willing to give-and-take. It also helps when the OP isn't convinced they are right because they are convinced they are right. When that happens, there is no reason to try to have a discussion - and I'm not making that a jab against you.
i always respect when someone is able to back up their case, even if i don't subscribe to their theory, ultimately. its all about the discussion. I don't need to be right. I just want the topic out there to be addressed.
It's extremely likely that Bucky probably taught (or at least tried to teach) him how to fight when he was still Skinny!Steve. It's more that he didn't have the strength and stamina (what with his myriad of health problems) to be effective at it. I wouldn't be surprised if the knowledge was there, all he needed was the right physical attributes to be able to actually use said knowledge effectively.
Plus there was any training received at bootcamp (again, just because he didn't have the strength/agility/etc... at the time, does not mean he couldn't still learn how to fight/retain the knowledge of how to do it), not to mention the approx. 5 months or so between getting the serum and rescuing Bucky - we don't know what he did with any downtime that he had when not on stage/not performing for the masses.
Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.
Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.
Tangent - and this is NOT directed at you - I think this subject from a previous poster years ago was what motivated me to finally join. Someone went off on how bad the movie is because all of a sudden Captain America was a master of martial arts.
I was just like that the person was convinced in TFA Cap was a kick-azz fighter.
Oh, yeah. He definitely is. Think of it this way. Steve was always very sickly, but willing to stand up to bullies. Now that he has the power to actually stop bullies, he's going to make sure he can do it right.
We see him boxing at the end of TFA, so it wouldn't be surprising that he took lessons from someone. In The Avengers, he's a better fighter, but still not doing anything fancy.
TWS takes place 3 years after this movie, so by then, with his increased metabolism and skills, it isn't surprising that he's become a kick-azz fighter.
IMO, it is another feather in the cap of Marvel - that they have done so well in developing their characters all around.
Plot-hole. Nope! The likelihood that he did receive training off-screen notwithstanding, it's simply cooler to suddenly see him become the superhero (by the way, that serum was in fact that powerful) he was made to be rather than show him take some lessons.
So Steve Rogers was a puny little genius before, and he definitely got picked on and attacked. I'm sure Bucky taught him some basic street-fighting moves, and he probably got a few boxing lessons somehow (as martial arts training probably wasn't available then). So for his whole life, the poor sap has probably been trying to fight back against bullies, throwing punches that had no effect and then collapsing from the resulting asthma attack, but that didn't stop his determination to be able to fight back some day! So he read up on fighting techniques and expanded his reading to famous duels and then military strategy, and still he got the shit kicked out of him regularly until...
The day he suddenly had a super-strong body and suddenly everything he'd been trying to do for years started to work. So no, I'm not willing to admit that this is a plot hole.