First question is there a distinction between a Sith and a Dark Jedi or are they essentially the same thing?? I saw wookiepedia's explanation but is there more to it ??? Second question having also recently seen rogue one do all who both CAN and are WILLING to use force choke use hand motions from the same family? aka hand motions that are relatives to the fist.
ahead of time thank you for all knowledge shared and please try to always be constructive please and thank you.
is there a distinction between a Sith and a Dark Jedi or are they essentially the same thing??
They both use the Dark Side, but are different beyond that. Here's how I understand it:
The Sith is an ancient order dedicated to the Dark Side. They have a shared history, customs, code, and ideology that they pass down through the generations of members. Members don't just choose to be Sith, they must be accepted, or recruited, and initiated into the order. Think of the Sith and Jedi like opposing churches of the Force, organizations with their own specific beliefs and dogma that they teach their members. Sidious, Dooku, Vader, and in Episode 1, Maul are Sith
Dark Jedi are individuals, often though not always former Jedi, who reject the Light and use the Dark Side. They are not part of their own organization just singular beings who use the Dark Side. They have no unifying beliefs, no unique customs, no shared ideology. The only thing the Dark Jedi inherently have in common with each other is that they don't use the Light Side of the Force. By rejecting the Light Side, you become a Dark Jedi. Ventress, Savage, Post-Episode 1 Maul, Kylo Ren (I think), and the Inquisitors are Dark Jedi.
do all who both CAN and are WILLING to use force choke use hand motions from the same family
It seems that this is usually, but not always, the case. Vader kills Admiral Ozzel without any hand motions in Empire, same with Captain Needa later in that film, I believe.
That's the best I can come up with for these questions, if anyone notices I missed anything (or am just wrong about something) I welcome the correction.
Vader may just be a special case, in that he is strong enough to choke with them. He is also one of the few to use telekinesis to throw objects without any hand gestures for instance, like he did in his duel against Luke on Bespin.
But, yes, it does seem that as a general rule that most Force-users aside from Vader use the hand movements when using Force Choke (and even him most of the time too). I'm not sure if the canon say they are necessary however, they may just make it easier or something.
Did anyone ever think that maybe, just maybe, the reason Anakin/Vader doesn't need to gesture with his hands for Telekinesis is that he doesn't ACTUALLY have any?
My assumption was always that it was basically (pardon the pun) force of habit when he actually bothered to gesture with his hands to use his telekinesis. (You notice, most of the times he doesn't are in situations with extremely heightened emotional states, whereas in situations where he is more relaxed (maybe not the right term) he falls back into old habits with hand gestures and such).
I mean, think about when he kills Captain Antilles on the Tantive IV... he is a man who can choke the life out of someone without touching them, and he chooses instead to physically lift him up and crush his throat, basically because he's incredibly pissed off.
Honestly, if you actually HAD telekinesis, hand gestures would be entirely superfluous and would likely only have an effect because you THINK that it helps... rather than it actually making a difference. It's like playing Mario, moving your hands with the controller in it doesn't actually make Mario jump farther or end up more successful at jumping, but we do it anyway. Think of the hand gestures the same way (plus it looks cooler).
so Asajj Ventress,Maul,savage oppress would be dark jedi or once you have the Darth title it is yours forever??sorry I don't even acknowledge ren he was a brat with wild force abilities untrained and highly emotional and non calculating.
so Asajj Ventress,Maul,savage oppress would be dark jedi or once you have the Darth title it is yours forever??
They all are Dark Jedi. They all use the dark side, but are not members of the Sith Order.
Maul is a special case, as he used to be a Sith. He was replaced by Dooku however, after Obi-Wan defeated him on Naboo and thus lost his "Darth" title and his place in the Order.
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Simply put, "Sith" is an organized religion with tenets, dos and don'ts, etc.
A "Dark Jedi" is just a regular force user who rejects the tenets of the Jedi and the Sith, and is also adept in the use of the dark side.
A "Gray Jedi" taps into both sides of the force and acknowledges that there are benefits to both. However, I don't think Gray Jedi are canon anymore. For the time being, anyway.