MovieChat Forums > The Holiday (2006) Discussion > Loved Jack Black in the video shop scene...

Loved Jack Black in the video shop scene!

He was truly great and he and Winslet were wonderful together. They both did so well in this.

I enjoyed this much more than the Amanda/Graham thing that appeared to be just based on lust anyway.


Kate & Jack were great in this movie. Couldn't agree more! But Amanda/Graham started as pure lust but then steadily grew into a real romance


Yes. That is why it is time for a re-visit, I think. I for one, would certainly welcome a sequel.


What do you think would make a good follow-up theme?


Excellent question! I am thinking I would like to see how they worked out the romance by long distance, who compromised their work vs their emotional feelings etc.

But whoever wrote the script would need to tread a fine line, IMO. Realism vs idealism etc. For my part, I would think Amanda's job could be done from the UK, allowing Graham to keep the children in their home, around their extended family etc after the trauma of losing their mum.

And Iris could move to the US as her job is very transportable and she would want to get away from working so closely with Jasper anyway.

What do you think?


Wow! You and I think very much alike! However, Amanda's job is not transportable, or geography independent, because her job is sales. She has to sell her company and talents to film producers, most of whom are located on the west coast (including Vancouver). Graham is an editor for a big firm - he could easily acclimate himself to American thinking and processes.

Of course this is all dependent upon the original cast being recast.

What say you?


IMO the same cast is crucial because the pairings worked so well the first time. I read somewhere that the roles were written with the actors in mind. Yes, I take your point about Amanda's job, but she needs the grounding, emotional self-confidence and balance in her life that a permanent pairing with Graham would bring. Besides that she has been very successful and could easily emulate that success in the UK film industry.

I think it would be an enjoyable 90 minutes if done in the same vein as TH and it would be good to see it work out successfully, with another feelgood, happy ending. I don't want to see it go the Bridget Jones way, heaven forbid. The sequel to that was just terrible and I won't even watch the third one as I think Fielding killed the golden goose with terminating Mark Darcy. So using that as an example, I say lets keep the original cast for a remake and let's enjoy seeing how they made it work, not the other way around.

It is wonderful in this post-second wave feminism-influenced world, that we can even discuss the possibility of the females getting to keep their jobs and the men transporting themselves for their benefit. I took a very active part in the 60's and 70's and raised my children to be feminists too, but sadly am not sure how realistic I am being now, generally speaking. Like the housework, I fear it is still very much the females who do the most compromising still. At least that is what I see and hear in Australia. Where are you?


Hi PC-daisy!

New York, USA!

One thing we both omitted!!! and it's serious!!!

We need Hans Zimmer back to re-create the musical magic! Along with the music director!!!


G'day Yankee!

Oh, not forgotten, it is not even negotiable! It is all a must have. You and I must be the only ones who want to see this happen, though I find that hard to believe, don't you? I started a new topic on it sometime ago and never got one response.

I love the film, flaws and all and have had a Jasper in my life for far too long and watch it when I need to have my need to end the relationship re-enforced. I love both the English countryside and California. Anyway, it is fun, I get to see the great Eli Wallach and it is cheaper than therapy!

But you know I am thinking that for a true sequel we would need to have an English/California balance, so maybe Miles will have to compose in the UK? And then Iris can still move to another paper. Thoughts?


G'day (is Aussie acceptable?)

While I like your idea of balance (symmetry, you know), I would prefer that both couples either moved to the US or stayed in Britain! They would do better if they had each other!

But they can't stay in Kate's house!


I agree, Miles and Iris would have to be London based, but it would work for me if Iris moved to LA and Amanda to London/Surrey, which is only a train ride away from London anyway.

Come to think of it the whole UK is so tiny, everything is only a train ride away, as opposed to Australia where we are only 20% smaller than continental USA, but with only 10% of your pop. And we have only 6 states and territories over that vast expanse. To put it in perspective for you, Texas is very small by our gauges and we have sheep and cattle properties (we call them stations)bigger than Texas.

And 'Aussie' is perfectly fine, thanks for asking. I visited the US many years ago. I went to see a friend who had married a GI she met on R & R in Sydney and also to see Elvis in Las Vegas, so you can get an idea of how long ago it was! Loved the visit and one of my most enduring memories is how polite people were.

I won't say they had very little knowledge of Australia, actually it was non-existent, but they were lovely to us, as welcomed visitors and a real curiosity to them. I loved everyone, even the ones who thought I was a Pom.


I loved everyone, even the ones who thought I was a Pom.

OK Lucy 'splain POM! (this is a reference to "I Love Lucy" TV series starring Lucille Ball and her husband (at the time) Desi Arnaz (a Cuban singer/bandleader who had a fairly heavy accent so now you get explain out of 'splain in a Cuban-American accent)!

Also, while Australia is not that much smaller than the US, doesn't Australia have a lot of mountain ranges/desert which are uninhabitable?


POM is actually an acronym, standing for Prisoner of Her Majesty. Queen Victoria that is.POHM and it got shortened over the years. The poor beggars didn't even get the dignity of having their names on their gravestones, just that acronym. Generally it stands for any convict from all over the UK, including Scots etc. But now is synonymous with the English to most Aussies. Stems from the cricket rivalry I am sure.

Re our size. The inland is habitable to the black Australians who have lived and thrived there for thousands of years. But most latter day immigrants (over the last two hundred years) find it too harsh. 40 deg Cel is cool out there! And the desert parts get down to -7 deg and less in winter. But it is getting hotter all the time. Also there is very little water. Australia has subterranean springs that have the most beautiful water, but it is very, very costly to bring to the surface. So the government doesn't bother.

Ironically, the soil will grow almost anything, but only if you can keep the water up to it. You should come and see Australia some time. It is a very beautiful and extremely diverse country. Tropical rainforests, snowfields and deserts across the interior with very fertile areas all around the coastline, which is where the majority of Aussies live.
A great example of this is Western Australia (WA to us). It is 2,529,875 sq klms (to us)or 976,790 sq miles (to you). Texas has 696,200 sq klms or 268,820 sq miles with 26 million. WA has only 2.4 million people with 92% of those living in the South corner. Perth, the capitol, is a gorgeous,wealthy city and WA is just beautiful, with huge mineral wealth and has everything including a very viable pearling industry etc. Alan Bond who financed the successful Americas Cup win, lives there. Yachting is common there.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for your in-depth reply pc-daisy!!!

It's a long long flight! Went to the Philippines a few times so it's similar.

So if I visit I should bring my own water?

Take care


This scene was the most enjoyable in the movie. My feeling is that Jack Black was giving us his real-life opinions of movie scores.


Yes, you are probably right. There was a bit of impromptu bits I understand, like the 'accidental boob graze!'


My favorite part was Dustin Hoffman - especially coz he just happened to pop in and agreed to be part of it. It adds so much to the scene.


Yes and I assume he had his own clothes on too. So also great to see he dresses like a dag, the same as the rest of us, when he is relaxing or popping into the video shop. Well me, actually. Naughty to generalize.


Priceless.....Jack black was great. The cameo my Dustin Hoffman was pure genius.


Hello big dollop! Love that line


Yes! The video rental store is my favorite scene, and it's mostly because of Miles's movie score game and Iris's reaction to it. I also like seeing a scene of how things used to be fewer than 20 years ago with a video rental brick and mortar store. There used to be at least one in every town no matter how small, but now they are completely gone pretty much.

I also agree the Iris and Miles dynamic was much more fun to watch than Amanda and Graham. I thought Kate Winslet and Jack Black had good chemistry unlike what others have said on this board.
