MovieChat Forums > The Holiday (2006) Discussion > One Thing Ruined It For Me

One Thing Ruined It For Me

The scene where Cameron Diaz punches her boyfriend because she thinks he's been cheating on her was disgusting and ruined the whole movie for me. There is SUCH a double standard here; if HE had punched HER for cheating, the whole movie would have been about her court battle and the fight to have a dangerous abuser locked up, and the man would have been portrayed as an evil monster. Because a woman punches a man, though, it's supposed to be "cute" and "funny." In reality, it's neither. Abuse is abuse, no matter what sex does it, and to violently assault someone like that (and it clearly really hurt his character in the film) makes her allegedly lovable character no better than a wife-beater would have been.


I agree, they should have omitted the "punch-moment." It was unnecessary and added nothing to the scene.


Sigh it’s called humour. Geez, get a grip little snowflake


Absolutely agreed. No excuse. That being said, good grief. Folks are so uptight.

For heaven's sake, if you can name me one movie you've seen in the past year without some unecessary and technically illegal violence, I'll be surprised.


In reality that kind of behavior is unacceptable. But in the movie, it was comical. I dare a woman to watch that scene and not want to punch that guy in the face! It wasn't just that he was cheating, he lied and blamed her. Also, in reality a woman would probably hit a guy anyway for fooling around. You are right though. If a man hit a woman it would be worse for him.

I just find it funny that nowadays men feel the need to point that out. In the past I think men would be too ashamed to tell anyone because it would make them less of a man to be hit by a woman. Now it's all double standard this and that. Oh brother!


I just find it funny that nowadays men feel the need to point that out. In the past I think men would be too ashamed to tell anyone because it would make them less of a man to be hit by a woman. Now it's all double standard this and that. Oh brother!

So men should just put up and shut up about domestic violence. Would you tell that same thing to women as well?


LMAO!!! Well said GThornton, well said! It's a MOVIE, PEOPLE!!

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Um it's basic science that a man has much more muscle than women and can cause much more damage to a women when hitting her verses her hitting him unless she's some body builder and spends all her time on her muscles. I am in no way saying men are better than women, I am just saying men are known to be stronger than women body wise (unless she works hard on her muscles).

And I think you all are overreacting on saying she was abusive. It was one punch. She wasn't violently beating him with a hammer or something. Seriously guys, get realistic.

"... well, I have a microphone and you don't, SO YOU WILL LISTEN TO EVERY DAMN WORD I HAVE TO SAY!"


And I think you all are overreacting on saying she was abusive. It was one punch.

If the roles were reversed you would scream bloody murder. I really don't get why it's OK for women to hit men.


It's a freakin' comedy, and yes it was funny to see this skinny woman knock out this jerk of a man who quite honestly deserved it.Its not something you see often, and it was for comic effect. Some obviously don't get it, but I did.


She didn't knock him out. She knocked him down.


I was an abused wife and you are so absolutely right. There is such a double standard, it horrifies me. The whole scene was the one downer in the film and should have been left out.

It is not acceptable for a man or woman to punch another person in the face, no matter what the provocation. End of story!



Really? Indeed. You can equate this woman punching this man because he cheated, with hypothetical molestation of your wife or someone trying to hurt your child? Not the same thing at all. Ridiculous.



Did you happen to read the OP? This is a film site.



It isn't complicated. It is simply my objecting to domestic abuse dressed up as humour. I don't think it is funny and neither does a lot of other people on this thread. You are the one who is complicating it by saying there are situations of justifiable defensive actions. Of course there are, but you wouldn't make that out to be humorous either, or would you?




I don't care if it's a man or a woman, cheating is wrong and if you cheat you deserve a punch in the face. some may call it abuse, I call it retribution.

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"


Disagree! You don't have the right to hit anyone! Now the guy could very well have hit her back! - It is self-defense after all.


He then is such a pussy for going all "AWWWWEEEEH" from a weak woman. Unless she weighs 1000 tons and is a bodybuilder.


The law disagrees with you. Someone doing something you don't like does not give you an excuse to punch them in the face. Are you aware that a single punch can be lethal? All it takes is for the right place to be hit, or from that person to fall and hit their head from that injury and you're looking at manslaughter charges if you are lucky.

If you resort to violence to vent YOUR emotions they you are a dangerous idiot and should rmeove yourself from the gene pool.

Click On My Clicky Click!


I agree It is just a movie, but the op had a point and he expressed it. So maybe you should think it's just a point of view and as you said lighten up. let the person make there point that abuse is abuse no matter witch sex dishes it out. Good point op I did not even notice the significance of what I saw until you pointed it out. Imagine if women had not made noise 25 years ago when they were being abused at a much higher rate, it would still be accepted as not a big deal. today, If you touch a woman It's a restraining order as it should be. So people need to think when some one speaks of abuse that there point is not meaningless. even if it's only a movie.


The movie is actually my favourite movie, and indeed would have been better without this bit in it. Besides Ed Burns is such a cutie...



no its completely fair enough, the bastard cheated on her and men dont hit women because theyre stronger so its uneven.

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