Four years old? Are you ever around children? The girls are around at least 8 for Sophie and about 6 for O!ivia, whom I adore. I love the line when she says to Amanda, "You look like my Barbie!". That's high praise for a woman. I never understand why everyone gets so bent out of shape if this GS ate not identical within the takes. Folks, this is NOT reality television. It is a make believe movie. For one thing you KNOW it has to be a man going on about the inaccuracies Amanda is always stating about her time there or left there. Have people EVER heard the word exaggeration? Women often exaggerate for effect and Amanda does this a lot. Next, I'm SO tired of folks going on about the chauffer stating he can't get the car " up the lane". Its SO blatently obvious I can't believe folks don't get it. People, get out in the world more. The man, the chauffer is LAZY. Its SO obvious, just look at his face when he says things like that. Its a completely sly look with a slight look of guilt.
Plus, why do people always assume the character can't EVER "do anything, make a movement, finish a quick action", anything, when the camera moves off of them for a few moments? Bottom line is folks, this ISN'T reality, don't expect reality. If you want reality turn on Housewives of New Jersey although this movie The Holiday is most likely 10 times more "realistic" than a show like that.