Why Didn't Nick Just...

I have to admit, for the majority of this movie, I was entertained. It wasn't a masterpiece, but it did it's purpose. Only the ending really through me off. I don't know what the hell Nick was thinking when he tried to change the things he did. Here is a simple solution to the whole problem.

Why the hell didn't Nick just go back to before the group gets in the car, and take a look at his tire before they leave? They have cell phones, call a freaking toe truck. Hell, if I knew I was about to kill all of my friends in a horrible accident, I'd have the patience to wait to somehow fix the stupid car.

What gets worse is, he actually DOES go back to right before the accident. Does he pull the car over? NO! Even though he knows he's about to spin out of control, he just keeps on driving! What the hell?

Even though it's just a movie, it can be really frustrating to see something like this portrayed.


i agree
and wat funny is his second reality i exacly wat he wanted but he got greddy and went for money stupid movie so prdickable



Nick is too greedy


I got another simple solution. How about just tell the boss he cant make it back to work and stay on the trip?

""I dont know how to put this but....Im kind of a big deal. People know me.""- Ron Burgundy


Wow, u guys cant spell :\...

"Concentrate on what cannot lie. The evidence..." Gil Grissom


"Wow, u guys cant spell :\... "

Oh god, the irony...

But yeah, the movie actually entertained me too, but frankly I thought the first was pretty bad too, so I had low expectations in the first place. As for the simple solution? Thats exactly what I said to my mate but I guess they had to keep going somewhat longer.

I just laughed at how they just reused the ending from the first movie (the general idea of it...).


The ending pissed me off. Why the hell would you kill yourself like that so you didnt exist, she wouldve still cared about him. >_> and *beep* he cant drive for *beep* He couldve easily just drove back in the middle of her and the semi... >_> ARGH?>


I think he looked too much butterfly effect 1...

God BE2 sux so hard...


When he went back he wasnt sure what had happend. You could see it in his face. He was kind of hazy and oblivious to the fact at first that he had gone back in time. By the time he fully realized it, it was too late to pull over.


That was such a stupid way to end the movie. Just chuck the cell phone off the cliff and no problems. Of course that doesn't work so breaking up with your pregnant gf stranding your friends at a camp ground commiting grand theft auto and driving off a cliff...yeah that was the right way to go about doing it. sheez.


I was so mad when he killed himself. I guess he was trying to "save" Julie and his friends from himself or something. But do you think it's a much better idea to leave your girlfriend to raise a son by herself and have him grow up without a father? Smooth move.
