How stupid can people get?

The main guy decides to go back to the moment in the car when they are just about to crash into the truck. Ok... Now, when I say "moment" I mean about 30 seconds before the crash. Now, this guys's idea is to make his beloved but on her seatbelt in order for her to get away with only minor injuries as opposed to DEATH. Ok, peabrain, did ya ever think that actually STOPPING the effing car before driving straight into the the truck might be an EVEN better idea?

Stupidest movie I ever watched...


I agree. Totally. I was thinking that the whole time while he was wiggin' out and yelling at Lois Lane to put her seat belt on. Crap I tell you CRAP!!


How about how there was basically no plot?


The silly thing about the seatbelt (though it's good advice, obviously) is that the other two people in the car also died, so I'm not sure the girl having her seatbelt on would've made the huge difference he was hoping it would.


I think that asking her to put her seat belt on was the first thing he could think of as the tyre was going to blow with whatever he did so he may have thought ahead and knew that if the tyre blew and the truck was coming towards him he would drive into the tree and without having her seat belt on, she would have gone through the windscreenm. I agree tho i Loved the first film so much and was soo disappointed with the second, the acting was good but the plot was rushed with a low budget and i didnt get any feeling of loss or sadness like i did in thefirst . Hope they bring out a 3rd with a bigger budget and a bettter story liene as i felt a real loss with the 2nd film as it coudl havebeen so good


Hmm... wasn't that the first time he'd ever gone back in time?

I don't think he had any knowledge or control over what he was doing at that point - after all why would he assume that just looking at a picture that he'd come across in a camera would send him back to that point in time? I know I look at pictures all the time and it almost never happens to me.

Once he understood his ability to go back he did things in a slightly more controlled manner.

Not that I think its a great (or even good) movie but I think that criticism is a bit wide of the mark.


well, we know he had control over the situation or he wouldn't have asked her to put her seatbelt on


Ive seen even stupider movies but yeah he should have just stopped lol. Would have made a lot more sense.



I agree, even though it was stupid, i think in the first flashback he was getting to grips with what was going on. But the end was ridiculous!!! Why did he have to break up with her.... He should have not taken that call, thrown his phone in the water and stayed with his girlfriend!!!!



Are some of you people unobservant, have bad memories or just completely dense?

It's the first time he's gone back in time and he doesn't know he's done it, he's disorientated and feeling strange and wondering why he seems to know what they're going to say, this is pretty clearly indicated in the way he's acting, starting sentences strongly then trailing off in confusion. It's when he sees his girl friend take off her seat belt and lean across that it starts coming back.

There are some serious flaws to this movie, but this scene just is not one of them.


Oh, perleeease, he knows she should put her seat belt but is not "disoriented" enough to stop the car??

"Never ever bloody anything ever"
- Rick Mayall ("Mr Jolly lives Next door")


Oh, perleeease, he knows she should put her seat belt but is not "disoriented" enough to stop the car??

People don't always behave rationally (especially in high stress situations).


i first saw this as a flaw, but later decided he might not have been aware of what powers he had, how much of the past he could change, what the "rules" are, etc. he may have been testing his limits on the fly. or maybe he thought he was in an alternate reality now, without a flat tire. the seatbelt warning may have just been covering all bases (or common sense when driving on a single lane highway next to a cliff). there're way too many options within the story to have an "obvious" action, although i agree stopping the car seems obvious to me.



although it is overall a bad story however it appears that he dont have all of the consciousness as soon as he jumps. it is kind of fade-in slowly from auto pilot mode before he regains the full consciousness of his pre-jump self, it explains why he made stupid decisions for the car accident moment.

also, unlike Part 1, the guy dont have any memory of what happened in between the jumps, what even worse is his mindset is totally different for the interval that he jumps, it is almost like the alternate versions of him didn't have any idea about the car accident that killed all of his friends if he didn't jump.

I would say the whole settings of the jump is cool but the story is sux. It would be a much better movie if the writer can somehow give the movie a better plot.
