MovieChat Forums > The Butterfly Effect 2 (2006) Discussion > Just Saw It. WTF with the ending?

Just Saw It. WTF with the ending?

Obviously, from my title, there are going to be spoilers here.

At the end, why the #*$# didn't Nick just go to New York with his girlfriend like she asked at the beginning of the movie?
Hell, if that didn't work out, he could have always done another time warp.
No, he decides breaking up with his girlfriend was a much, much better idea.
Then changes his stupid-ass mind and ultimately dies.

What a maroon.


Yeah, this movie had potential and that potential was not used at several points in the movie, but the ending has to be the worst.


What I didn't get was the first time he went back in time, everything worked out fine, for the most part. Yeah, the baby died in the accident, but everything else was ok. I didn't get why when he saw the picture on the fridge he went back in time and messed everything up.


Just like Evan, he always tries and makes things perfect. If things are good then he is not happy. He quits his job and his girlfriend is very mad at him. So, he figures, if he can become the VP then his girlfriend will love him and everything will be perfect, but of course it does not happen this way.



Here is my two cents on the ending where the kid has the same effect on the picture wemember it is genectic so maybe they will make a 3rd one thats takes place when the kid is full grown where he goes back into that picture too save them both and live happily ever after, psssst! like that will ever happen.

" Resistance is futile."


Okay, you just ruined the end of the movie for me, but I'm glad you did!

THANK YOU! It looked like such a crapfest to begin with but I was planning on seeing it because I rather enjoyed the first, I dunno why, it was a good movie to me, I don't care how many people hated it.

But the only reason I would see this one now is for Erica Durance, tell me, is that enough to save the movie?


I just saw the movie and uhmm I thought he'd have the same "powers" as Evan.
Why does he get a nosebleed before he actually goes back in time ? Where are the alter memories ? I mean, He alters the past, wakes up and no big deal.
Evan is kinda *beep* up everytime he comes back.

Didn't like the ending, too much *beep* and no good story.
Besides why the F&^k kan he go back to eveything he wants ? Evan couldn't ?


Evan did go back to where he wanted. He read the section of the journal and went to that exact spot.


Evan could only go back to the times he blacked out. He wrote about all the times he blacked out and his journal was his link to the past. There is a possibility that the only reason he blacked out was because he eventually went back to those times, but still he was only able to go back to the times he wrote about. I havent actually seen the sequal, and i dont really plan to, so i dont know how that compares to this one, but i just thought id explain that one in a little more detail


I don't understand...... wouldn't the guy have seen his baby when he changed things the first time?

I haven't seen the movie, but when I read that she says she has something important to tell him, it was pretty obvious it was a baby. Terrible movies don't have any surprises.

Also, when I read the synopsis, it said that the baby goes back in time (utterly ridiculous) and the results are that the mom's arm moves to a different spot...... Is that it? What the hell?

It should be illegal for men to dance.....


Man this was so awful. I can't believe it even got 4.4 our of 10. In the first one Evan aborted himself because the girl he loved died no matter what he did. In this one the loser guy kills himself... for what reason??? NO REASON. Just move to damn New York you loser. Instead force your girlfriend to raise a child on her own and have to live with the fact that since she didn't pull over her babys father died. Yeah, what a awesome selfless thing he did. Whatever. What a bunch of crap this movie was.

Formerly known as coca cola99...:)


Evan's girlfriend never dies in any reality, no matter what he did tho the reality wasn't right, the first one would've been fine if Evan had warned her father to leave Tommy alone too instead of telling him to discipline him more. Evan made a lot of mistakes but the last 3 mistakes he made he couldn't undo them, lenny killing tommy, getting his arms blown off and killing kayleigh in the basement made it impossible to go back cause the journal entries about those events would no longer be there for different reasons.

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself" Peter Griffin - Family Guy


"Evan's girlfriend never dies in any reality"

Are you talking about Kayleigh in the first Butterfly Effect? She kills herself in one reality and also gets kills when she picks up the blockbuster in her hand toward the end. So she died twice.

I think you get this because you write about it later.

If you mean Julie from the second one, she dies twice the car accident and then at the club.


in the first one it was the fact that he wrote journals and years later he read the entries to go back, when lenny killed tommy in the past evan stopped writing so there was no journal entries about the event, same when he got his arms blown off, it was impossible for young evan to write about the experience. Photos are different as they exist whether he changed anything or not, strange why he had nose bleeds before he time travelled and why he had no memories of his alternate past tho.

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself" Peter Griffin - Family Guy


How the hell could the baby grow up and do a time shift INTO THE PAST, when he's not even BORN yet?!? He's gonna go save the father's life? In his mothers WOMB?!? I'm not sure if you were joking or serious, but that's impossible.

And in terms of the ending, yes it was stupid. I really thought that he would go back in time to the moment on the rock, and when she says "I have something to tell you," and he says "Me first." I really thought he was gonna change that, and say YOU FIRST, and find out she was pregnant, and then some kind of happy/pleasant ending from there.

Instead, he goes and totally messes it up!!! BIG TIME!


I believe its a bad movie, the thing about him broke up w/ girlfriend i think it was so obvious the movie was going that way because of the 1st one, but in this case it totally sucked... it didnt made any sense his decisions, i dont think there is a point where he realizes he just cant be w/ her, and that all crap about doing anything for them (FRIENDS) omg, waste of my time :/



if there ever will be BF3(probably not) then please make happyending :)


MY problem with the ending was as simple as common sense. You see a car coming, common sense would tell to slow down and allow your boyfriend to move in front of you. Or common sense would say break so you can get behind your girlfriend. And common sense would also say that if you see a car on your side of the road where he is not supposed to be, slow down to a stop, especially when they are as far away as he was.

There were three different options that could've saved this guys life. It just seems the ending didn't really simplify what common sense would tell someone.

"close your eyes. Show me your face. I'm gonna piss on it" -Dave Chapelle


The problem with this film is that apparently they didn't really know what they wanted to do with it, or more like, they knew WHAT they wanted, only not HOW. The idea is that Nick sees his power as such a thing and starts wanting to change details to improve his current life, perfecting every single thing. The idea sounds cool, since it had a lot of potential, but there are two things they didn't know how to handle:

1) Changes only one year ago can't POSSIBLY be as radical as changes done like 15 years ago or more, so the things remained the same and nothing really big happened, they COULD have used this to make things more dynamic, but they lingered TOO long in what little timelines there were when really there was not much to explore.
Because of this, Nick's few changes rarely lead him to situations as severely screwed up as for him to change things (in the 1st change he didn't know he lost a baby, and he can ALWAYS get a better job), and the problems with his changes are caused by HIM, not the HUGE factors of violence and abuse that Evan faced. This makes Nick less likable since he's stupid enough as to change stuff he shouldn't and when he does, he finds out he screwed up by himself. This takes out the cause & consequence thing which made the 1st so intriguing.

2) Also, apparently also because of 1), they took out the flashbacks of the changed continuity, and save for the restaurant bit (where he apparently is able to dig into the memory of his current self, like "jock" Evan did), he's oblivious to his current life. This makes us wonder what has changed, but they take too long to make a surprise of what little (predictable) changes happened, whereas in Butterfly 1, we had glimpses of how stuff changed but were still left to wonder how radically things had changed, especially since there were many factors and people that could change.

All this leads to him making an Evan-like move, that's ok, but it's way out of context, makes sense only if you REALLY make it, and was not properly motivated. This film might have been saved if they made one or two more timelines showing WHAT was the problem in all his changes, and if it indeed WAS himself they should have emphazised more that he needs to take HIMSELF out of the picture. The DC of the 1st film, albeit in a more fantastic way, made this point and it both worked and was solved perfectly.

Still, this film has its props and if there is such a thing as a DC, i'd have a lot of faith in it, since maybe within it resides what this film needed.


Maybe I just saw it worng but.. he was driving in the left hand lane. Girlfriend and truck in the right lane. The left lane was the cliff lane, but it shows him turning the wheel hard RIGHT..... so how does he go over the cliff??


Eh, kinda sorta saw it wrong. Most of the shots in that scene weren't terribly consistent, but more of the shots have a cliff or potentially cliff-like scenery on the right hand side.


This is going in2 my collection of top 10 DVDs. The performance was brilliant and the stroyline was marvelous. I mean come on people do u know wat the budget 4 this movie was? Jack Sh*te thats wat. I really luvd the ending 2 it like totally took me by surprise...
Im just bullsh*ting this movie is an absolute disgrace to my favourite movie of all time, "The Butterfly Effect". I mean the one with ashton in it. Seriously some1 needs to get suing... Big time. I mean this movie had no relationship with the first what so ever. and didnt ashton in the first stay in the same place? Why the hell does he just wake up. Wat was with that nose bleed to. i mean seriously. Someone needs to kick that directors a$$ from here to F&*Kin pluto and onwards./ hopefully untill he reaches a blackhole were he can travel back in time a fix this mess he's left behind him and tell some1 else a lil more prestigious to direct and some half decent cast and some trained crew. I mean wat the f&*@k is going in on in this world.

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He goes back to the accident and tells them to put on their seatbelt? Put on their seatbelt is going to save them from a truck driving into them? Geez, just go back, stop the car, change the tire and move on...

But I'm sure they could have spinned it that way that his life would have been messed up even more 1 year later if he did that. That way you can always justify the ending of the film, which was terrible.


loooooooooooool "djay2004"
Actually this guy is right

HELLO EDITORS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Part one is so much better


I am afraid he only could go back to his old photos.
Moreover, to his old photos he would be *looking at*.

There was a photo made in the car. And Amanda was able to find it. So this is where he could go. He couldn't go anywhere he wanted and just clock 20 minutes beforehand.

So he decided to force her to fasten her seat belt, so that when later he rams into the wall, she wouldn't go through the windscreen and stays alive. Otherwise only the guys at the back seat would be alive, and Julie could well be dead anyway, almost for sure, head into the wall.


The first time he goes back and gets fired from his job, why didn't he and his girlfriend just move to NY at that point? When you have a bad job or no job, that's a problem that can be solved by acting in the present to affect the future. You don't go back in time to fix that kind of problem.

I thought original The Butterfly Effect was a much better movie, obviously.

The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.


Why didnt he just go back in time and throw his phone into the water when his boss called. That would of been him giving up things so he will live happily ever after with his lady and his baby and NO ONE DIES.... the first one was ridiculasly good.


I thought it will end like this, but it didn't. :(


How about he just doesnt answer his stupid cell phone and life is good, what a dumba**, all he had to do was listen to his GF and found out she was pregnant, what a cheap a** ripoff of a good movie (Butterfly 1 that is)



Agreed! All he had to do was not answer the phone. By him not answering the phone there would be no need for them to be on the road or for the tire to bust or for the truck to hit them because they might have stayed wherever they were longer. The only reason they left was because he had to go to work. Don't answer the phone= not having to leave!

Also the ending with Nick Jr makes it seem like he too has the same power Nick had and it implied that maybe the baby goes back in time to prevent Nick from dying. I just wish part 3 picked up from where Part 2 left off instead of a whole different plot.


Good film ruined by a crappy and stupid ending.

He could have either gone to new york or turned off his cell phone but no he decides to break up with her and then steal a 4x4 and drive dangerously and kill himself. Then the ending with the kid leaves things so open it's infuriating. Because they could go back again and do it all differently so you never really know whether he lives or dies in the end. So you've spent the last hour and a half bonding with this character and at the end you don't really know whether he's dead or will come back alive and do things less stupid.
