SO many things wrong with this movie
I recently posted a review of Cyber Seduction my blog. I'm not going to provide a link because I don't want to plug or promote myself (like a spammer) but I will briefly list the main issues I had with Cyber Seduction.
1). It's an incoherent mess- The movie is supposed to be about porn addiction but the script is so screwed up that by the end, we have no idea what really happened. Was Justin a porn addict or simply going through puberty? Were his loved ones genuinely concerned for him or were they just overreacting? Addiction or impulse problem? I know what we're SUPPOSED to get from this, but the message was completely screwed up that the writers unintentionally left it open to interpretation... oh, and the Kelly Lynch PSA spot at the end just sealed it in.
(I LOVED the scene where he's walking down the hall and FINDING WOMEN ATTRACTIVE while ominous music plays.)
2). Monica. Everything about Monica. First of all, A HIGH SCHOOL GIRL (I know she's a senior and maybe 18 but still) had a PORN WEBSITE where she did sex cam shows and nobody ever thought to confront her about it. Nobody ever said "This jailbait girl does sexy dances in front of her webcam for strangers/her boyfriend.. maybe we should talk to her." There's something going on there that's likely far worse than anything happening with Justin. Second, Monica has no personality. No background, no explanation, no nothing. We never know anything at all about her except she's promiscuous and likes Green Day ('Green'). For most of the movie she's a blank-slate sex object to be obtained. Then after Justin decides not to have sex with her, suddenly she has HUGE rejection issues, and chases him out of the house screaming before smashing her forehead into a bathroom counter. Yeah, she be crazy. But why?
3). Consequences. I broke it down while I was doing my write-up, and discovered that pretty much every negative result of Justin's alleged porn addiction can be attributed to people being horrible to him throughout the film. Timmy goes from "Dude, porn is cool!" to "You're disgusting" in half a heartbeat, Dooley never liked Justin to begin with so he was just looking for an excuse to hate him, the boys on the swim team joined in on "Let's hate Justin" just because, Amy yells and breaks up with Justin for finding a sexual outlet other than herself even though she wouldn't have sex with him, and the parents... the mother has some serious problems to start out with. The dad even says "You're pushing him too hard to be like you," but her real hangups about why she resented him for losing the swim match are never explored because the movie quickly portrays her as a victim. After that she is just intolerable, overreacts, and talks about 'this pornography' in ominous tones like it's a super villain sitting in the next room. She is a nutcase, and you can thank the writing and direction for her idiocy. And of course the dad goes from "Boys will be boys, stop overreacting" to violent and angry. They should have had him wearing an "I'm with Stupid" t-shirt.