10 years later
Over a decade and one month old
List 10 things that make CSHSL a classic!
1. The crazy mother. She thinks she walks in while her 16 y/o son is watching porn. She then reacts like she just witnessed her son chop up a human body. Momma has ISSUES.
2. Virgin Vaginas. Enough said....
3. His friends. They freak out they he's watching internet porn and blacklist him from the group because normal 16 y/o guys would NEVER think about doing that, or even think about sex in general...
4. The tease girlfriend. The protagonist is denied sex from the girlfriend. He doesn't rape her, no he just finds a sexual outlet through porn. Because you KNOW that 16 y/os would never seek out a sexual outlet like that, because normal guys don't think about sex. Just the sickos.
This movie was classic rightwing propaganda trash. It's actually a comedy.
5.) The Left-Right Wing conundrum of women.
Girls like Monica are sluts because they won't wait till marriage like Amy.
But those who women who consent to do porn are being demeaned
6.) The friend of the mother whose marriage just so happened to be DESTROYED by internet porn
7.) The cut to of stone-faced look of Alex (the little brother) immediately after he showed him porn
8.) The knock off of "Old time Rock and Roll" (At the porn party near the start, cuz y'know back in 2005 teens were listening to Bob Seger at all the keg parties) the knock off of Linkin Park's "In the End" and "American Idiot"
9.) Justin never jerks off
10.) Kelly Lynch, who played the mother appeared nude in movies from her 20s/30s