House of Representatives to Consider Cannabis Decriminalization! Tell Your Representative to Support H.R. 5843!
NORML is pleased to report that H.R. 5843, an "Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults," has been introduced in the House of Representatives by Representatives Barney Frank and Ron Paul.
This measure, if passed, would strip the federal government of its authority to arrest responsible adult cannabis consumers. NORML founder and Legal Director Keith Stroup worked extensively with Frank’s staff to write this important legislation, which represents the first cannabis decriminalization measure introduced in Congress in 24 years.
Under current federal law, the penalty for cannabis possession is up to one year imprisonment and a $1,000 fine.
Please take a moment today to write your Representative and urge him to support this important legislation. For your convenience, a prewritten letter will be sent to your Representative when you enter your zip code below.
Thanks for supporting NORML’s efforts to reform marijuana laws in the United States.
hell no, i mean, think about it, if it were legal, EVERYONE would be doing it, it wouldnt be as good to do because u would walk down town and people would be on it. and plus, thier goes the paranoia. and thats half the fun, i mean, i hate the paranoid feeling, but at the same time its good. it just wouldnt be the same, u wana smoke it legaly go to amsterdam or canada.
This isnt a spelling bee, who cares how people spell?
I'm sorry that is a terrible argument. Do you only smoke weed because not many people you know do it, which makes it cool in some way? And the paranoid feeling, if anything that might be my single reason to legalize weed, as I have been pulled over by the cops before with weed in the car and let me tell you it is not a great feeling.
It would still be illegal to drive while stoned, and probably to even have it in the car, the same way you can't have an open container in the car.
It's not as if everybody would be smoking all over the place if it were legalized. They actually have a much lower rate of drug abuse and resulting related crimes (robbery, etc.) in Holland. Do you think the people who go into the coffeehouses to smoke have any less fun just because they don't have to hide it?
I've been to Amsterdam and it's a great city. In fact, most Dutch people DON'T smoke weed (though EVERYONE seemed to be smoking cigarettes in the little, tiny restaurants, which was annoying to no end). The liberal policies in Amsterdam towards soft drugs and prostitution do not in any way effect the safety, beauty, or pleasant atmosphere. In fact, I didn't want to leave. Amsterdam rocks! And guess what? They can actually focus on REAL crimes because the police don't spend their time looking for people who are using a drug no worse than alcohol or cigarettes. I agree with the legalized prostitution there, as well. Safer for both the girls and the johns. And you'll see families walking through even the Red Light District in the evening without fear. The one annoying issue was that in some areas you have a lot of guys selling hard drugs in the street and they do harass you a bit, but like with panhandlers, you just say "sorry but no" and move on or ignore the entirely. They will back off. I've been traveling quite a bit and have been to many major cities and Amsterdam is def one of my faves.
#1- it snot LEGAL in canada. they have practically the same laws we do in america, theyre just relaxed a bit. #2- if were legal, EVERYONE would not be doing it. Does everyone go around drinking every minute of the day? Thats why its called the act for RESPONSIBLE ADULTS nimrod. i am a proud cannabis enthusiast and proud supporter of decriminalizing and legalizing this wonderful and beneficial herb for mass production, taxation, and sale.
your full of organs and blood. --from my gf's mouth.
How ignorant can you get? I'm only going to speak to one of your assertions. You cannot smoke legally in Canada. It's just not AS frowned upon as it is in the US.
Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
I support that!!! It grows in the ground, its not bad for you. Sure its not good, but alcohol is way worse. How many cannabis related accidents do you hear of? NONE...
------------->u wana smoke it legaly go to amsterdam or canada.<-----------
so I don't know if you guys don't know this, but pot isn't legal in Canada. I'm from BC (rumored to be the best source of marijuana in at least north america) and though we're a little more lax about the whole thing, it's most definitely illegal. Believe me, I've hid from the cops enough times to know it.
And I've been busted with weed before by cops (in Canada) parked in our cars in a public park. They took it away (almost a quarter ounce), and told my friend and I to drive away. It's technically illegal, but there just isn't any punishment for it, except for losing the bag of course. Hell, according to the police, we were okay to drive afterwards, since they told us to. They treated us better than if we had been caught with alcohol.
And I personally love the MADD commercials regarding pot. They don't tell you not to smoke it, and they don't tell you it's bad for you. They just say not to drive when you're high, and they employ a sense of humor that definitely appeals to pot smokers.
1. Cannabis saved my life when my medical condition was considered terminal and I weighed 86 pounds (I am 5 feet, 8 inches tall) and lost the ability to walk due to a very rare condition. Due to being born with "weak" and/or "lacking" certain brain receptors, most meds don't work on me (as well as other members in my family).
2. Of the three doctors that told me to try marijuana, as a last resort, two of them said this [paraphrased]: "If I could personally destroy all alcohol products in this country (USA) and make pot legal, I would, because pot is far safer, and alcohol destroys so many people and families in society today."
Sad coincidence: My eldest brother was killed by a drunk driver.
3. At the end of 11 months, I gained weight to a much healthier 125 pounds, and could walk again. In fact it worked so well, two years later doctors declared I was, and remain, currently in remission. In fact my remission is so sucessful, I'm not remotely close to worrying about ever being listed as "terminally ill" due to the rare condition I suffered for almost a whole decade, while docs tried everything under the sun to stabalize it. Not once did they ever come close to doing so until after they suggested the cannabis. Also, I ate the cannabis, which saved my lungs from additional stress.
4. Marijuana is not legal in my state in any way. All 3 doctors knew that when they made the suggestion. They did not know if it would work at all. So they knew I was using cannabis that did not come from a governmental source. To say the least, we were all amazed with the results.
5. At the time we decided to try this tactic, there were already scientific studies proving that cannabis does have both painkiller abilities, helps a great deal with nausea, and was the only med they ever gave me that enabled me to eat again. Since that time, the UK has released the results of a double-blind study proving that cannabis has also been found to have unique anti-infammatory properties as well. The UK has also significantly lowered the fines connected to being arrested with an amount of cannabis (sorry, I don't recall the amount, but the results of that change in law, and the anti-inflammatory study, are both easy to find on the net).
6. Due to the medical properties listed above, doctors were able to give me LESS dangerous narcotic, anti-nausea, and anti-inflammatory meds. In fact there are books available in America that spell out the fact that cannabis in connection with other meds (such as painkillers like hydrocodone and oxycodone and morphine) has been proven to make those meds work better, thereby allowing doctors to prescribe less of these more dangerous medications.
Famous people like Montel Williams fully support medical use of marijuana (he found it to be helpful after his diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (sp?) and he admits such openly in at least one of the books he's written. Several other famous people in all walks of society have also used it to help themselves or ill members of their family (such as the famed writer William F. Buckley obtaining it for his sister when she was battling a serious illness).
Two of the original 3 doctors credit marijuana with literally saving my life (we lost contact with the third, so I can't speak for him). Now ten years have passed, my weight is great, and I still use it from time to time in connection with a different health problem I have, and it helps every time (I don't consume it daily). My family and I *always* tell every doctor and specialist and ER doc I've ever seen about this matter, as we believe in full disclosure.
My post was meant to help others; I give you my word, it was never intended to be argumentative at all.
Alas, I never grew antlers =( Maybe someday I'll get lucky <3 hehe
I think "Grandma's Boy" is hilarious! Movie version is better than the TV broadcasts (they cut out a lot of great parts in it when FX showed it last night!)
The very first line of the movie was a pretty clear indicator that I was going to laugh throughout the rest of the movie. Not many movies start with the line "Fuc|<! Stop hitting me!".
Most of the complaints I see about this movie have nothing to do with objective criticisms. It's always "this movie isn't funny" which is a subjective point of view. What's funny to some, is not funny to all. People need to realize that personal taste is irrelevant when it comes to reviewing anything. You may not like something, but that doesn't make it inherently bad.
Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
>>I support that!!! It grows in the ground, its not bad for you. Sure its not >>good, but alcohol is way worse. How many cannabis related accidents do you >>hear of? NONE...
Of course there are cannabis related accidents... Saying that something that grows from the ground can't be bad for you is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Ever hear of poisonous plants or mushrooms? Ugh. It's stupid people like you who make leagalization difficult.
Don't make me puke. I'm lucky I was born with a personality and sense of humor. I have tried Marjiuanna, and its a waste of time and makes your lungs burn faster than cigarettes.
Don't make me puke. I'm lucky I was born with a personality and sense of humor. I have tried Marjiuanna, and its a waste of time and makes your lungs burn faster than cigarettes.
Hahahahahaha!!! You're a freak. So if it's a waste of time for YOU, and makes YOUR lungs burn, then nobody else should get to use it, right?
What a selfish, conceited viewpoint to have. That personality you were born with? ... it sucks.
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