Where are the last 20 secs of the movie?
I hope you had a chance to see the movie in theaters as opposed to DVD release, for the DVD ("TARTAN VIDEO" is the one I am talking about) lacks the last 20 secs of the movie. These 20 secs of the movie show Mr. Lazarescu layed on the bed facing the wall - if I am remembering well - waiting for to be transported in the surgery room. The camera starts from a close shoting of his body and gradually departs so that one can see more of the room where he sits in the center of the image.
This scene is very important IMHO for it highliths the tragism of the fate of the main character. It makes you wonder "What now? Why isn't he carried at once into the surgery room? Why all this delay?"
Unfortunatelly these last 20-30 secs have been cut out from the US release ... (I wonder who took this decision?).