MovieChat Forums > Moartea domnului Lazarescu (2005) Discussion > Call me a simpleton, but this movie BORI...

Call me a simpleton, but this movie BORING

I'm sorry, I am generally pretty open minded about art and movies but this one did NOTHING for me. I fell asleep within 10 minutes of the opening and when I finally came to about half and hour in, I watched it for about 5 more minutes before i fell again into a film induced coma. After I came to again I gave it one more try, but me and my 2 friends had to walk out shortly afterwards as we could not bear the thought of wasting our time along with the money we had already wasted.

While the plot and the themes of the movie is noble and of relevance to society today etc etc, it just moved along far too slow and the treatment of the themes too drawn out to deliver an effective punch to invigorate an audience into caring (at least that's how i felt about it).

in my humble opinion, unless you want to be bored to sickness in which you would have to experience the indifference of certain hospital systems (art imitating life imitating art....), AVIOID, AVOID, AVOID this movie at all costs! I don't care how many awards it has won. It really did nothing for me.

I'm sorry, just my 2 cents and my opinion.


You're a simpleton.




Yes, you should be sorry... and yes you are a simpleton... Just because the movie feels slow at first doesn,t necessarely make a film boring... no there were no shoot outs and car chases... but the attitudes of the doctors and Lazarescu Dante Remus's steady fall into the fiery circles of the medical system's beaurocratic hell is simply fascinating to watch.

With a bit of patience and some courage (something you clearly lack), you can easily get wrapped up in this film. The drawing out of time IS the punch of the film. Wether their intentions are good or careless, nobody seems to be doing anything right in order to get the help poor M. Lazarescu desperatly needs (not even HE is helpful in hurrying the process).

I found myself laughing in parts and getting all tense when things were not going the way they were supposed to, how is that NOT a punch? Original yes, boring, no!


I'm with you here. It was boring and sucked badly. The Western people appreciated it because of the shocking reality presented in the movie. Unfortunately, us, Romanians, we are used with this kind of reality.


Oh get a life m_duval76.
He didn't like the movie. That's all. And for that you say he lacks patience and courage. What crap.
Having paid to see a movie I don't think I've ever walked out or turned off but after 90 minutes of this tedious film I just had to give up.


Fine, so he didn't like the film, doesn't change the fact that I don't believe he gave the film a chance! How is that a load of crap? Most people won't see the beautiful observations Puiu makes in the film and most people don't care! Does that mean Puiu shouldn't have made this film and that other directors who create more contemplative cinema shouldn't make this film?

I'll tell you straight away, even I had trouble with the film at first! Where's this going? Not much is happening, but once you settle into the film's tempo, it starts revealing itself. I just find it very sad that people would dismiss such an original film so quickly... Even you gave up after 90m minutes.

That's fine, you're allowed... but I still find that both of you took the easy way out.


I went back the next day and watched the last hour.
It was bugging me giving up on a movie cos I'd never done it before.

No, of course the director should have made the film.
And just by sitting down to watch the film stratmad is giving it a chance. But in his view the movie blew that chance.
If you can't eat a meal because it's not to your taste you don't 'lack patience and courage'. You just don't like it.
That is the beauty of art. Each to their own.


Sitting in front of a movie doesn't imply that you're giving it a chance. That's totally passive cinema watching, which is what I'm against... Lazarescu is not an easy watch for most people I'll admit it, but no one will make me believe it's a dull film just because it's slow paced. If you just let those images unfurl before you without even trying to delve a bit deeper in the film's context, then yes, I believe you "lack courage" and are probably missing the point...

You MIGHT not like the way the film was presented or do not agree with some of the points Puiu is making, but that's different... and even in this case I find the way the film is presented to be quite bold and daring... Puiu's vision is original and unique and should be at least respected for just that and not dismissed as "boring"...


With all due respect you're talking bollocks.


just goes to show you, the attention span of people nowadays


Sorry for considering cinema to be a challenging art form and not just something "to go and see when I've got nothing better to do"... Bullocks... *sigh*


Sitting in front of a movie doesn't imply that you're giving it a chance

Agreed. Watching a movie is an interactive dialogue. We are not water bottles to be filled.

The film's title provides the tension. Right off the bat we know that this man is going to die and that his dying is going to be as lonely and bereft of any humanity or meaning as we could possible wish on our worst enemies.

For non-Romanians, this movie also offers a peerless window into dysfunctional social relations with Romanian society as well as a revealing portrait of alienation in nearly all the societies of the world where extended families have broken down.



How many Romanian films have you seen that have the guts to provide a scathing critique of cold indifference and bureaucratism in Romania with that level of realism and candor?



How many Romanian films have you seen that have the guts to provide a scathing critique of cold indifference and bureaucratism in Romania with that level of realism and candor?

Yes, you're right, none. But, please, the camera's movement was so *beep* up. Cristi Puiu should've work more on that, it seemed like a bad archive footage. And the ending... Watched the movie for more than 2 hours and in the end nothing happens. We don't know if he survives/dies. It would have been a much better movie if Lazarescu died in surgery, by the ignorance/mistake of the doctors etc.
It's not that bad tough, I gave it a 6/10.


This was a conscious choice - the film is meant to have a cinema verite or "bad archive footage" look to enhance it's realism. Also, the long takes...

To whoever said this movie should have 40 minutes cut - this is a durational experience, where we are meant to wait with the characters. We are meant to feel the film is too long, because the wait is too long.

These are CHOICES to reinforce CONTENT.


It would have been a much better movie if Lazarescu died in surgery, by the ignorance/mistake of the doctors etc.

Tell you why I disagree. If the director had wound it up that way, we would have thought we were watching an indictment, specifically, of the Romanian medical establishment. It would have come across as an expose of malfeasance. That's clearly not what the director had in mind. He wanted to show us the existential nightmare of indifference, aloneness and meaninglessness. To have Lazarescu killed off so directly would have given Lazarescu's life some meaning after all, if only in a negative sense.


r u freakin kidding??? "We don't know if he survives/dies. "..its called the Death of mr Lazarescu ffs ...


well, since you haven't even bothered watching all of it, then don't bother us with your opinion on the 15 minutes you watched. by the way, i heard spiderman 3 came out -- hurry up and watch it! you don't wanna miss that!


I believe we know the end from the very beginning, er, before the beginning...the title says it all. So we do know: He dies. I know its open to interpretation, but he dies. Eventually, anyway.


His opinion is perfectly valid. I almost gave up on it myself after about 40 minutes of watching Mr Lazarescu wandering around his flat, vomiting blood and being miserable. It was grim viewing, and I didn't find it particularly engaging, but I found the film picked up once he reached the ambulance.

Belittling other peoples enjoyment of movies is rather sad. Spiderman 3 is what it is. You clearly feel your cinematic tastes are above those capable of enjoying that sort of film, and for that reason it makes you kind of an *beep*


I was completely engrossed. This is a comment on humanity, not just Romania. You can be sure it happens here in the US, too:-( I thought it was subtle..if you were really paying attention you could see him starting to lose his reality. Remember, he was talking coherently to his cats in the beginning. And his neighbor called him an intellectual, meaning he was considered intelligent. Very medically accurate, too. Sigh. The nurse was brilliant. The exhaustion of the ER crew was spot on. I, too, was confused about the end, trying to maintain some hope, until I remembered the title.


you think i'm looking down on him because his attention span is short. actually, i couldn't care less. i'm attacking him because he dared to condemn a movie after watching 15 (yes, fifteen - check his post) minutes of it. does sleeping through a movie make his opinion about it valid?

actually, my suggestion of spiderman 3 is valid. something new happens there every 5 seconds, so he won't have time to fall asleep. and perhaps such movies are the ones that make people expect a lot of action and stops them from thinking.


This is a classic example of the "Emperor Has No Clothes". I picked up the DVD based on the lavish praise covering the case and all the awards the film received. It is techncally a poorly made film but that's the least of the problems. YES it is boring! The pacing is ploding, the script provides no insight, acting is stilted and for something touted as a "black comedy" is not the least bit funny and the primary character, Lazarescu, is not the least bit compelling. I will never get back the time I wasted watching this trash and that pisses me off.


Imagine my chagrin at the lost 15 seconds it took to read your comment. At least the 30 seconds needed to type this offers me some consolation.


and i think the stress you acquired from watching it must've shortened your life a couple of days as well...


It wasn't made to entertain you, it was meant to inform you.

Simple, eh?


I agree completely with the first posters- the intent of the movie was excellent but unfortunately the execution was poor. I have no problems with a long movie but this was a movie in desperate need of editing- you could cut about 30-45 minutes off of this film to tighten it up.


to be honest, i felt the same way for the first half hour to fourty five minutes. it dragged and i conjured an idea in my head of what the rest of the film was going to be like and considering its two and a half hour length i was more then ready to switch it off. i dont like long boring arty films and i was already making comparisons to gus van sant and terrence malik, having sat through elephant and the new world, both movies which i found incredibly boring and truly pointless. but for some inexplicable reason i was compelled to keep watching and i've never had a film compel me to keep watching regardless of my bleak preconceptions. it was worth it. although very hard to get into, the film was pretty damned good. it got better the more i got into it, and the more i got into it the more emotion i felt. anger at the self rightous doctors and sympathy towards mr lazarescu and the underappreciated medics who accompanied him. i got pretty wrapped up in it all. although i found the attitudes of some doctors slightly too uncaring and demeaning to be fully realistic, it didnt subtract from the experience. and i certainly wouldn't label this a comedy. the dark comic lines were not spoken as comedy but rather conversation spawned from defense and coping mechanisms of tired, wornout, despirited, semi faithless and quasi broken people which is something everyone can relate to. anyone who says they dont feel that way from time to time is in denial. in closing i can fully understand why people find this movie boring and slow because in certain respects it is boring and slow. but if you have the patience to hang in there and allow yourself to get involved you could be in for a pleasant surprise.


sorry i have to say it... you are a simpleton


Reading this thread-- Now THAT'S what I call entertainment! And yes, you are a simpleton.

Avoid cliches like the plague.


I was disappointed mostly because all over the DVD this is marketed as "the most acclaimed comedy of the year" and "hilarious". Then the first 20 minutes hes wandering around his flat coughing up blood and being miserable. This is false advertisement and I wasn't in the mood for a SLOW art movie.
And it's so typical of snobs to say "Oh America is so impatient, cant appreciate beauty and poignant social critiques go watch some crap Michael Bay movies". Thats elitist crap when the OP clearly gave this movie several chances and the movie failed to be engaging at all in the first 20 minutes. I like slow art movies sometimes like Tsai Ming-liang for example.
But while I'll take peoples words for it that the movie picks up 45 minutes into it, the opinion that it could have done a better job at being more engaging in the first 20 minutes so as not to alienate potential indie viewers is just as valid as the opinion that the it was a great movie all the way through.
One persons opinion is not more important than anothers I dont know why Im going thru all this effort to say this becuz I feel Im wasting my time trying to argue on IMDB . Anyway this rant is over bye!


Certainly a slow movie. Hardly a black comedy as the box proclaims.
Well acted, realistic look at hospital work.
The points made by this film could have been slotted into about 5 mins of a dozen other films rather than having to sit through 2.5 hours of this borderline tedious, wasted effort.

Frankly the patient got a reasonably decent deal, rather than the 'oh so bleak' portrait painted by some posters:

The people in his block of flats were nice to him.
His sister was rushing out to see him.
The ambulance crew ferried him around trying to help him.
The staff at the hospitals (bar the officious paperwork prick at the last but one hosptial) all tried to help - asking him the legitimate booze questions, they followed it up with proper examinations, recommendations for scans, blood tests etc. The staff also phoned people up to check on if there really were any free places for scans.

I would be happy to be treated by any of those doctors (apart from Mr Paperwork).
The failings in the system seemed to be lack of capacity, not failings of human nature.
Don't expect a bedtime hug and sympathy in hosptial, or to be manically rushed around over, just some competent treatment.


Yup I agree with the first poster. It was billed as a comedy and I didn't laugh once.

Trash dressed up as something better.

... low budget scripts


Yes, you are a simpleton. Stick to your own type of films and don't try to watch those that might need a little concentration. It is odd that so many people liked it. It isn't slow. It isn't boring. Perhaps real-life isn't for you. But please don't inflict your complete lack of taste on others.

