A damn fine list, if you ask me. It's a little broad, with eleven of us having voted on it, but I've just got my Netflix selection for the next six months.
Thank you for the list! It lookds very good. I've seen about a half of the titles, but now I don't have to search too hard for other recommendations and mess with trial and error.
Many of the rankings are highly idiosyncratic and, when it comes to documentary films, the list is guilty of gross neglect. Still, it's a useful one for film buffs and I'm glad to see Lazarescu on there.
33. The Death of Mr. Lazarescu. The lengths to which we go to deny death its due are given fascinating portraiture in Cristi Puiu's wrenching medical crisis ride-along odyssey, which eschews staid TV drama heroics in depicting a Romanian EMT's frantic night-ferrying of a rapidly expiring, unsympathetic senior to a succession of overrun, dilapidated hospitals. Stoically accepting her chance-designated role as final advocate for the diminutive, semi-conscious Lazarescu on a calamitous evening of other, greater tragedy, Puiu's unassuming angel shames a system beneath the effort while providing a galvanizing moral center for an epic otherwise fiercely devoted to depicting a night of utter chaos. RS