Elcus? What the hell is elcus?
There was a mention of ulcers at one point in the film, and throughout the rest it was "elcus." Is "elcus" the same as "ulcer?" Is elcus a word at all?
A Hungarian online dictionary offers for elcus - Nincs találat [no hits]
For ulcer - 7 different matching expressions found:
ulcer fekély
ulcerous fekélyes
fekélyekkel borított
ulcerousness fekélyesség
gastric ulcer gyomorfekély
duodenal ulcer nyombélfekély
stomachic ulcer gyomorfekély
Searching the extension dictionary:
2 different matching expressions found:
ulcerate elfekélyesedik
ulceration (el)fekélyesedés
Searching the web for elcus yields no illuminating results, nor is it listed in Romanian online dictionaries.
Did the writer-director deliberately choose a non-existent word for this guy's problem? Or is this a matter of shoddy, lazy translation, that the foreign distributors just didn't care about?
Were native viewers in Hungary similarly annoyed by this non-word or not? And what about this drink "mastropol?" no mention on the web at all, except in connection with this film. That's more understandable, it being an obscure recipe for home-made hooch, but "elcus" is mentioned again and again, with nobody saying "WHAT THE HELL IS ELCUS!!!??!"
Am I the only person aggravated by this?