This movie was great

I love horror movies, but it's hard to come by any good these days. I've never been a big fan of the Saw-franchise. I have always found it predictable, and gory just for the sake of being gory is not what I would call a good horror film. It ain't well-acted either. I love the Scream-movies, the ANOES-series and the Halloween films.

I was surprised how much I liked "The Crazies". It was well-acted (even the minor characters), a good production, a good music score, not a groundbreaking premise or plot, but not exhausted either - and I didn't find it predictable.

I have seen it with 3 different people, and they all loved it.


I agree.

I really enjoyed this movie. And I also didn't find it predictable, because I never knew who was going to die next, I honestly never thought Russell or Becca would.

And the plot was interesting, and the acting was great.


I agree. It is a pretty good movie.



George A Romero didn't direct the remake of the crazies though



He had to be listed in the credits because it was his script/film it was based on.

He was an Executive Producer but to call this his film is a lie.



You said "I have noticed that when movies are re-made or re-imagined by the creators of the original tend to turn out pretty good."

That sounds like you've said when film makers remake their own film but yeah it might have helped but usually I'm sure they don't have a lot to do with it. He'd be there to advise yeah, but I think he may have just been there simply to help them as he did write the screenplay and usually its a good idea to speak to them, to find out what they wanted when they wrote it.

The thing is the director probably did stuff that Romero wouldn't have done. I'm not saying that the film was bad, and while I love his dead series, the crazies wasn't as great. While its enjoyable, although I've only seen it once, I do wonder if it is a film that simply is popular because Romero did the dead series. Martin is far better and often overlooked.

I'd actually be interested to see how much creative influence he was allowed.


Same here. Excellent horror film from beginning to end: well-acted, compelling, eerie, and not filled with tons of distasteful and/or useless gore scenes. Nothing like the Saw, Hostel, or Paranormal Craptivity trash.

🐺 Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) 🐾


This and the Dawn Of The Dead remake are probably my favorite zombie movies.


Breck Eisner makes it clear in the commentary that this is not a zombie flick, rather it's a film about ordinary people in a small town that are victims of an illness that makes them whack jobs due to contaminated water by a government error. None of the people of this film who are sick ever come back to life.

But in the George Romero-type genre remakes, this one and Dawn Of The Dead are my favourites, too.

"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"


Yes, they do. And I was in the medical field for a quarter century and appreciate how they attempted to make the exposed look like real illnesses. So no, not a zombie movie in the way the infected didn't reanimate after dying. But since they attack humans in swarms and no longer act human, zombie is an appropriate enough term just as it is for the Hatian voodoo zombies who never die but change their mannerisms to a "zombie". WWZ Seems like it can't decide what it wants to be, it's like a virus that transmits by bites, don't have to die. It's like Resident Evil. And you'll see lists of zombie movies with these movies. So am I gonna get picky enough to not consider it a zombie move? Nope. I think of it as non-supernatural, non-reanimated zombie genre.


Well i mean, it's pretty much like 28 Days Later. Man made virus that infects people with rage and anger.....


Its not rage & anger......

They lose their minds. They go crazy.


Just saw it last nite and I thought it was pretty suspenseful, good acting, and some parts that took a toll on one's imagination.

Also, I'm on board about the other movies like Saw and Hostel. Crazies definitely had a nice edge to it where other movies are seen as simple "gore porn"
