MovieChat Forums > The Crazies (2010) Discussion > Real military procedures for such issues...

Real military procedures for such issues? - OT

I've always wondered if there we're any real documented military processes for such abnormalities or issues like this taking place in real life?

I.e. Them placing the boot on every car, military personnel such as doctors, scientists, soldiers, being air lifted in and seizing a community like this. I've tired searching the CDC website with not much luck.

Also does anyone know what really goes on at Plum Island?

"I came to chew bubble gum and kickass and i'm all out of bubble gum" - Duke Nukem


I've also searched myself with no luck. I can however guarantee you that the official procedures and protocols on dealing with an event such as this are highly classified and only viewable by individuals with very high security clearance.

These protocols were probably prepared and designed with help and contributions from the CDC and various qualified members of Academia but I am not sure you know know entirely unless you experienced it.

As for your question on Plum Island..your guess is as good as mine. Again I am sure what really goes down there is highly classified.


I know where I live in Dublin, Ireland there is a nuclear plant called Sellafield just under 70 miles away across the Irish sea in Wales. When September 11th happened, every household on the east coast of Ireland was issued with potassium iodine tablets in case terrorists bombed this nuclear plant.... This is the only prodedure I've heard of regarding such an event... I don't know what other plans the Irish military had in removing families to safety etc.....


That sounds like an over the top reaction. the prevailing wind blows in an easterly direction, so any fallout from Sellafield would go toward Newcastle etc.

You go inside the cage?
Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water


If you live in Dublin you should know that Sellafield is in Cumbria, not Wales.


They should indeed know that. Maybe geography is not their strongpoint.

You go inside the cage?
Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water


Or perhaps the truth isn't their strong point. It is extremely unlikely that potassium tablets were issued.


I agree that it was Rowdy Roddy Pipper in They Live that was the first one to use the quote.



I could outline the contingency plans for this type of situation but then I would have to "quarantine" you. As far as Plum Island, that is where the crashed UFOs are really kept.

Bow to her greatness:


Judging by the way real life incidents have been dealt with - they'd probably stuff it up.







I get the idea of "doip lewk at dem now.Dey be slow!"
What we see happening with katria and 9/11 ( 9/11 ? seriously, they freaking reacted within the hour.)and of course, the oil spill, was the government playing political and trying to make it seem not as bad.
If something this big and this terrible happend , what you see in the movie would have taken place.
The military was given free reign and marial law was declared in the city. They also cut off all forms of communication so the average american dosen't flip out when he see's soldiers firing wildly into a crowd of unarmed civilians.
If they tried to play politics, we would all be dead before we even knew a plane crashed.



Love how you left out Kathleen Blanco's insistence that they had the situation under control. Typical Neo-Marxist propaganda.


Your all wrong,
it wasnt ash that said "time to kick ass and chew bubblegum"

nd its not attributed to duke nukem either, although duke did says it.

Its stolen from the movie 'they live' in the 80s where the lead gets a shotgun and goes to town on the aliens pretending to be people. It stars roddy piper.

Thers lots of cool lines from that movie.



Very well thought out response you got there.


I have no idea about Plum Island I only read the Nelson Demille book of the same name. However, isn't your signature from They Live? Totally off topic that was just bothering me.

~no bounce no play~


You're right, that quote is from "They Live". Duke Nukem copied it and a couple other quotes.


Yes there is a force in place to deal it: The CBIRF.

The Chemical and Biological Incident Response Force [CBIRF] was activated on April 4, 1996, at its home base in Camp Lejeune, NC. In response to Presidential Decision Directive 39, the Marine Corps created CBIRF to counter chemical/biological terrorist threat. The force is completely self-contained and self-sufficient, capable of deploying anywhere in the world on short notice. The force is a complete unit and contains about 350 Marines and Sailors, with the potential of increasing the strength of the security element by 200 additional Marines.

The CBIRF element of the MEB is capable of rapid response to chemical or biological threats. Should an incident occur, CBIRF would immediately deploy to the affected site and provide a number of significant capabilities to include coordinating initial relief efforts, security, detection, identification, expert medical advice, and limited decontamination of personnel and equipment.

This response force will respond to chemical or biological incidents affecting Department of the Navy (DoN) installations and assets, Department of State (DoS) legations worldwide and, when directed by the National Command Authority, to assist local civilian and military agencies in order to assist the on-scene commander in providing initial post incident consequence management. The CBIRF consists of specially trained personnel and specialized equipment suited for operations in a wide range of contingencies. Through detection, decontamination and emergency medical services, the CBIRF capabilities are intended to minimize the effects of a chemical or biological incident.


For an excellent read on Biosafety Level 4 Agents, (Highly infectious, high lethality rate, no known cure,) check out "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston. It's a non-fiction account of several outbreaks of Ebola and Marburg Viruses, which Stephen King himself states, "one of the most horrifying things I've ever read," which tells you something about the nature of these viruses.

More importantly, however, is how it pertains to your question... In the not so distant past, in Reston, Virginia, a "Monkey House," for a large company discovered monkeys falling ill and dying at an alarming rate. (Both viruses can cross species.) A blood sample was drawn and sent to USAMRIID, (United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases,) and the sample reacted to one of the Ebola strains.
In the meantime, one of the Monkey House workers had become ill, as well, and survived, leading to a new term for this particular strain of Ebola... Ebola Reston.

I don't recall every detail as to how it was handled, since it was so localized, and unfortunately, my copy of the book is packed away at the moment, but I do know that every Monkey was euthanized, the lone person affected survived, the entire building was quarantined, "cleansed" afterwards with bleach and other agents, and then sealed off permanantly. I believe some years later, the building was torn down.

I suppose you can probably just use your favorite search engine to look up Reston and any combination of above terms, such as Ebola, Monkey House, etc., but I'd HIGHLY recommend seeing if you can get your hands on the book. It's a fascinating read, one that I finished in one sitting and upon its release was on the NYT Best Sellers list for quite awhile. It's gripping, especially if you have any interest in the subject... Even if you don't, it never gets overly-scientific and the author has an excellent voice to his work, it reads more like a great novel than a boring non-fiction science-fact book.

"I'm your huckleberry."


"I came to chew bubble gum and kickass and i'm all out of bubble gum" - Duke Nukem lol thats ash that said that not nukem, i hate it when people screw that one up


Actually, Duke Nukem 3D game from 1996 (I remember getting a copy as a kid in HS) did say this. "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum."

Still have a copy on a V-PC.


Actually, Duke Nukem 3D game from 1996 (I remember getting a copy as a kid in HS) did say this. "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum."

Still have a copy on a V-PC.


Actually, it was They Live, then duke nuken and only then Ash. so your wrong by a long shot. i hate it when people screw that one up. yes YOU.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


You should read "The Hot Zone" which isn't entirely fact but is non-fiction. If the book is even partially accurate, it seems the movie response to an outbreak is MUCH more organized than it would be in reality.
