Am I the Only One?

Well, judging from these boards most people hate this movie, ---or at least not really like it.
I remember watch this movie with my parents and younger version of me really enjoy it. And now as a grown up I still love it. Even I love this one more than the first Mr. Bean movie. I can't explain what's it exactly, but Mr. Bean's Holiday give more memorable moment than the first one. The comedy style is so unique, kinda absurd, though, lol. The ending scene just amazing to me.
So... am I just the only one? What is your thought?
Btw, I'm sorry if there's a misspelling or grammar error. Still learning my English ;)


You've been an IMDB member for 11 years and you haven't yet noticed that the top of the page for every movie shows the rating and number of people doing the rating? If so your mispelling and grammar are the least of your problems.


It was a great road-movie, beautiful scenery and fun situations, and great characters.
Mr. Bean succeeds in spite of himself, that's the idea, so in a way, you're supposed to not like him a lot at first.

The third act is brilliant. So many movies start out interesting, with a great premise, and cool characters. But then they seem to just fall apart, with contrived or clichéd endings. This movie is the exact opposite.

The story is king.


You're not alone. I love this movie
