
As normal with these kind of movies they are rated quite high. People maybe think this movies are more "intelligent" then others.
Well, once you've seen one or two of them, it becomes annoying and predictable.

After 10 minutes you recognize its *beep* after 20 minutes you know the plot. The good about this movie: It's short.


Why are u so angry with this kind of movies?..... wich other movies do u think are like this ones cause i will l ike you to tell me i loveee this kind of movies.


^ Jacob's Ladder and The Machinist for example. Jacob's Ladder is the best one, certainly a different Vietnam war movie, but still one of the most serious and thought-provoking ones.


Brazil is another good altered-state film. The legendary HoAl once ran a "Mindf&@% Movie Night," at which they showed Brazil, Jacob's Ladder, and Brimstone & Treacle. I was so brainwashed by the end, I hunted down the soundtrack to B&T, because it wouldn't get out of my head. Had to have someone dub it from a record for me.

I thought the acting, particularly the seesawing response to the crazy neighbors as they alternate between conventional requests and insane demands, was extremely well done. This film could keep a classroom full of theatre and lit majors debating for hours. If you're looking for some S&M titillation, this may not suffice...but if you're the type of person who breaks down the images of a movie to suck every bit of meaning out of them, well, this will give you plenty to work with.


I've got to agree that the rating is too high. The movie gave too much away so early on and what came out was disappointing. Cinematography wasn't so bad, though. If there was something more to tell in the plot (I thought it was pretty thin), I wouldn't have minded the predictable ending. But since it was all that there was, I kind of see why you wanted to put it as stupid...
