This film sucks!
shareHow about giving a reason?
sharei don't know why there's so many differentiations.... this is a psychological movie and it;s great.
shareThere are too many so-called psychological movies trying to understand the logic (?) of a psychopath. This movie sucks and is far overestimated.
shareNo, there aren't. If you don't like this type of film, just stay away from them. Go watch films with unexplained cartoon violence instead.
shareThis movie is a mess. There's nothing intelligent about it. The director thought his film would be intelligent by ripping off superior films. And viewers ate it up.
shareThis film is one of the better movies ive seen , How can you not like it
The sex scene makes it all worth it , Sex and Blood ??? that is so hot
america would never do a scene like that. I think it has a good story line and all
I thought this film was pretty atrocious - indeed, I view it with sympathy being a Norwegian film/not receiving an explosively large budget ---- but then again, it doesn't take a lot of money to make a GOOD movie -------- this movie was not good... it's violent and bizarre, but not GOOD ------- I rented it because I heard how "amazing" it was from countless Norwegian friends... but I was severely disappointed - it was pretentious and revolting... the explicit sex/violence fusion does not make up for weak writing ------ the acting of the male lead was passable - at times impressive... but the dialogue was extremely contrived/forced...
this was on the same level as "Villmark" which was equally disappointing --- it took itself far too seriously --- had it been more of a straight exploitation picture (along the lines of "Day of the woman") or fully embraced and celebrated the more grotesque thematic elements (necrophilia coupled with sadomasochism) instead of trying to hide behind a guise of pseudo-intellectuality / masquerading as a psychological thriller/character study -- and been a straight, honest, and sloppily horrendous gross-out horror ---- THEN it would have worked.....
but as is, it seems like the filmmakers were too eager to impress academics and film critics ---- infusing the picture with numerous references to highly revered masterpieces ("Rosemary's Baby" springs to mind) and not acknowledging the true essence of the film itself:
a graphic depiction of deranged sexuality and homicidal lunacy --------- to the filmmakers: If you wish to play with fire, I suggest diving in head-first -- don't obscure the brutality and perversion of the topic-matter with such a blatantly self-congratulatory style/approach ....
reveal in the schlock!! the Japanese and Italians are masters at this ---- I highly recommend Miike's "Bizita Q" as a darkly amusing, satisfying, and exceptionally disturbing alternative...
Thank you!
Finally someone that agrees with me. I'm Norwegian and waited with anticipation for this movie. When the movie was over (after a mere 72 lousy minutes) I was shocked. I saw the great "twist" coming after about 35 minutes. The sex scene was surely different, but basically disgusting (I'm not opposed to either blood or sex in movies, but WTF?)
Only one word to describe it really: craptacular.
I did also see the twist coming early in the movie, but I still liked it. I can't say I'm a big fan of violent sex, but I am a fan of films that are different, and a bit "on the edge". And since I didn't have much anticipations, I was left with a feeling that I just saw a pretty good film.
shareIm not a fan of blood and sex coupled either but the dialog and acting by the two women sealed it for me. I loved the way the stories were his own and they dialog they used were ones his girlfriend would use and how the sado scene tied into the injuries he suffered during the end, All the little details like that made the movie for me. I dont think they planned on making it a twist as people assume as much as him struggling to keep reality out. I am curious to hear what your opinion of a movie like Funny Games(german version)is? I onced watched requiem for a dream with a lady friend and she was disgusted by one scene that it ruined the movie for her. As far as the sado scene it just goes to show you the girl is so attractive they could have smeared crap on her and she would still be hot.
you don't need to assume - jeg er faktisk norsk... skriver bare på engelsk slik at alle forstår hva vi snakker om.... prøver bare å holde det litt internasjonalt
that would have worked if you hadn't stopped me
I enjoyed this film immensely, although I was depressed for a good half hour afterwards... until I got up to make a sandwich and forgot about it.
Even if you did see the twist coming, the final scene is phenomenally sad and touching after all the disorientation..
This is a solid portrayal of love, separation, and impulsive violent madness..
By the end it doesn't seem very outrageous at all, but, on the contrary, probably the sort of thing that is more common than anyone would like to admit.
quite sad.
There's nothing sad or touching about this film. Why should I feel sympathy for a greedy sadist?
The twist is ridiculous.
The Vanishing, now that's a truly depressing film.
After the second last scene, the very last scene is implicit.
I thought it was rather generic. The style was interesting but I found it lacked substance.
I did enjoy Joner's performance and some of the camera angles; the sex scene was a surprise. Passes as mediocre at best.
In sum, I am a fan of the bizarre and this didn't do it for me.
People that make remarks (like "it sucked") and/or leave abbreviations with no explanation (like "WTF") as a reply, dont have much intelligence and are probably not able to vote yet. With that being said, I thought this was a twisted, great film. Really twisted.
It was still bad.
If you want me to explain, reply back.
very much agreed. especially to the first sentence.