Be Honest, who would want to see a real snuff film?
not saying i would, but my curiosity might get the best of me....................
"Frankly my Dear, I dont Give a Damn
not saying i would, but my curiosity might get the best of me....................
"Frankly my Dear, I dont Give a Damn
Mmm, no, couldn't do it. Loooooong ago when I was a wee explorer on the Internet, I would go to or something and even that I could barely look at, but I do remember a teacher showing us actual tanks being blown up during Desert Storm, and that haunted me for weeks, knowing that I just watched dozens of soldiers (ours or otherwise) dying, and in a tank, for chrissakes.
Only Eli Roth and his twisted followers, I suppose.
Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)
No way man!! Can't understand how people would to be honest! It's that old saying that get's bandied around on any of the threads about "Most Horrible Film You've Ever Seen", YOU CAN'T UN-WATCH IT. On all the threads about this subject (Of which there are many), the usual suspects always come up, SALO, A Serbian Film, August Undergrround, Cannibal Holocaust, Men Behind The Sun etc etc.
Someone always then brings up 3 Guys, 1 Hammer.
The films I listed above are about as far as I like to go. Even then they can be a tough watch for me. I firmly believe that it's NOT a case of there being a thin line between these types of films and the real stuff like 3 Guys, 1 Hammer, I think that they are a world apart. As soon as something happens on screen that is real (Which I think myself lucky to have not seen to often) it becomes a different beast and for me, i can't deal with it. It would fvk me up beyond repair.
I rememver a guy in work said he watch one of theose internet beheadings and wished to god he hadn't. Just from him telling me about it I couldn't get it out of my head for weeks. If i actually saw one, It'd be game over for me!!!
"Fellas, don't drink that coffee! There was a fish....... IN the percolator!"
I have saw faces of death when I was young... Luckily I didn't watch much nor can I remember it. I do remember the monkey scene and a magician's head getting crushed but the latter is all over youtube and looks really fake (at least I think O.o). I also remember that infamous video of the reporters throat being slit? or beheaded on camera which used to be in fake torrents and gifs everywhere... Of which I didn't know was real (still being debated whether or not I believe) at the time, if it is.
Despite all of this, I think I care a lot about people (despite my interest in the torture porn, I just love gory movies :P) so consiously knowing that someone is killing someone else for real, is unthinkable for me...
I feel sick everytime I hear 3 guys 1 hammer and have seen screenshots (not of the actual incident) but of the guys after the video and have read what happens (Which I can handle to a degree...)
I actually sometimes have to read reviews and stuff about a particular film that is about stuff like this just to make sure there is nothing like that in...
I remember watching blood creek? and apparently the pigs and the dog was killed for real (but I think only the pigs were) but I only found out on the imdb page after watching half of it (I didn't really like it that much so I turned it off half way through :/)
However recently there was the massive incident with fox news broadcasting a suicide on live TV which I watched... Whilst not graphic it still gave me a little chill knowing it was real but nothing that I think will *beep* up my life...
Anyway they're sick people who enjoy watching stuff like 3 guys 1 hammer, to host such filth is the worst and no-one should ever watch it... I hope those guys die in prison tbh but with some of the messed up stuff happening around the world today and the way some people are going I wouldn't be surprised if anymore pop up -.-...
I follow the Mexican Narco war and that comes with some brutal video's. Im talking about people getting their throat sliced and stuff like that. I do not enjoy these video's but they dont sicken me either.
Does this make me a messed up person? No. Do i have suicidal tendencies? No. Do i have a strong urge to murder somebody? No. In fact i sleep like a baby.
Id rather watch somebody getting killed then watch a Justin Bieber clip. That stuff kills me
Well, when I was a teenager I had a morbid curiosity about death and watched some of the Faces of Death videos. To this day I regret it and wish I had never succeeded in finding and watching those because they were so disturbing and awful that it's never left me. Looking back, I don't even know what the hell possessed me to want to put myself through that. But like another poster cannot be unseen or undone and even 20 years later I am still bothered by the things I saw.
I know those aren't *exactly* snuff but still...close enough.
"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."
There are a bunch on LiveLeak. Nothing like this though, it's mostly beheadings and executions in 3rd world countries. Even the fake ones in this movie scared me.
I really don't think I would. I just think it would bother me way too much. The worst thing I've seen was the R Budd Dwyer suicide video, and it took me a few days to get over that one.
shareThere's been TONS of snuff films online for YEARS!! The homeless Russian man getting killed with a hammer in the woods?? A soldier getting his throat cut while someone is standing on his head. I can name DOZENS more. Ogrish theync, etc. These sites have had REAL snuff footage for years.