Abigail Breslin ?? (Olive from LMS)
I just saw this movie tonight, and it seems to me that the first and the last seen of the movie were added after the film was made. This was probably done in order to feature Abigail Breslin (Olive from LMS) in order to take advantege of the success of Little Miss Sunshine. I say this for a number of reasons. First her character is not featured in any other scene in the movie, second her Brother IRL is the head elf, third they allready had Allen Arken (Grandpa from LMS) in the movie, fourth the lighting and coustuming and set is different from the rest of the film, and finnaly the movie without the first and last scene already had a natural begining and end to the film in common (Mrs. Clause being rushed into the delivery room). Any thoughts or information regading this?