Spencer Breslin...Curtis the Elf

Spencer Breslin just managed to pull of his role in this movie (Santa Clause 3) but I don't know if he'll fit into the same role in Santa Clause 4.

He's older, taller, voice has gotten deeper and he has definitely lost the "baby fat" cheeks which made him an adorable child star (the changes are VERY noticeable if you watch Santa 1, 2 and 3 back-to-back). I keep watching his performance in Santa 3 and thinking "okay, he's a bit too old for this role...but the age increase has somewhat been explained by promoting him to the Chief Elf" (although Elves aren't really supposed to age)!

Spencer's still a very good actor so I'm hoping he will make the transition to adult actor well and have much success after this movie.



Breslin is the most annoying kid in the whole world that fat lispy bastard. I thought when his balls dropped the lisp would go away but no it is still there.


I have to say I did not enjoy him as the head elf in this movie. I think a lot of it was the fact that I was bummed that Bernard didn't return...but I still really didn't like him in this role! I wanted to scream at his character at some points, "Are you serious! You are the head elf...DO SOMETHING!!! Quit calling Santa all the time. And DO NOT tell secrets to a guy who is trying to take Santa's job!" Okay...that's my opinion! :)

**Okay...I got thinking after I posted this and I thought I would say that it's not the actor that I don't like...I don't like the character in the movie. I didn't really enjoy the character in the second movie, and as a head elf I REALLY didn't like him. Okay, just had to make that clear!
