MovieChat Forums > The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006) Discussion > One of the worst films ever made--- no d...

One of the worst films ever made--- no doubt

I loved the first two films and was horrified by the 3rd one. Why would they visually rape the audience just for a few Dollars?

My review:

The first bad sign that this was going to be a sub-standard movie was the fact that one of the funniest and critical characters, Bernard, was not going to be in the film. Why? Money? Scheduling conflicts? I don't know but his absence was sorely felt.

In a nutshell, there was no real reason for this movie to be made. The first two films did a brilliant job of creating a need for the story and then wonderfully executing the stories. But this one has no purpose at all. Aside from leaving out Bernard, they did a good job of re-uniting the cast. (I guess they enticed everyone to return with the jingle-jangle of coins they thought they could make with this movie.)

Sadly for the investors on this film, the movie bombed. Yes, it made $84 million but with a budget far in excess of this, the movie was a financial disaster. Whereas the second film was a financial success and loved by audiences, SC3 received a 3.6 rating on IMDB (SC2 got a 5.6) and SC3 lost money.

What can you expect from a movie that went no where, didn't have the fun of the second film, and lacked any personality at all? How anyone could have like this film must have found themselves desperate to see Tim Allen on screen again no matter how bad the film was. While Martin Short is talented, all of his talent is wasted here. He's just not funny.

Please don't waste your time and money on this disgrace to the first two films.

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".


This is definetly not the worst movie ever made.


Guys, I was carefully not to say that this is the worst movie ever made. Next time read the topic a bit better.

As for being on par with the second film, you must be joking. I remember people applauding at the end of the seond film. It's very different and any comparison is silly.

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".




Wow, you really can't say that this is the worst movie ever made! It's fantastic! (I'm 13, BTW) I loved the plot to this. It was cute how Mrs. Claus was about to have a baby Claus! :D I also adored Martin Short in this, and now, he's my favorite actor! I saw this movie 3 times in the theaters, and every day I went there, I entered a packed room. I saw it 11-17, 11-21, and 12-26. It left the theater in early January the 5th.

PLUS, (this may have nothing to do with this, but ...) my mom forced me to see "Happy Feet" the same day TSC3 left theaters. It was horrible! My mom and I both hated it! And, there was about 30 people in a 200-seat room! So, to make this clear, TSC3 was WAY more popular!

If you don't like this movie, stop posting negative posts about it! Will it make other people hate it too? Not necessarily. You don't have to come here and start ranting at the top of your lungs. It's not our fault if you watched it and didn't like it, because that's an opinion, and everyone is entitled to their own.

P.S. I love this movie! Cuteness!

Did you just accuse me of being skillful and delicious?


martina, I realize you're only 13 but if you're going to post here please be mature enough to understand what is being said.

As I mentioned twice already, I didn't say it was the worst movie ever made, only that it is ONE of the worst films ever made. Hey, it's right there in the title of this topic. IMDB members gave this film a 3.6 rating. You do realize that this is a very bad rating, right?

I agree with you that the baby thing was cute. No problem with that. And I agree with you that "Happy Feet" was terrible.

Now, you have to understand that people come to these forums to express their opinions of various films which they have seen and either liked or didn't like. This is the concept of sharing ideas and opinions. You can't tell people that since they didn't like a film that they can't express their opinion. I suspect that you live in the United States like me and not in some country where people can't give their personal ideas and thoughts. It doesn't matter if my perspective changes anyone's mind since that is not my purpose for posting my critique of the film. And, I did not start ranting at the stop of my lungs as you state. Now, this is an example of ranting at the top of my lungs: "THIS MOVIE SUCKED BIG TIME AND EVERYONE WHO WAS IN IT SHOULD DIE RIGHT NOW!!" Do you see the difference between my review and the ranting? I hope so because it's important that you understand simple things like that.

Lastly, yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I shared my opinion as you did your own. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I wish I did too but sadly I just wasted money. Not as many people went to see this film around the world as they did with the first two films. In fact, this film did so badly that Disney refused to release the production costs of this film because people who invest in the Disney Corporation (Shareholders) would be upset that Disney made a huge flop given the fact that the first two movies did so well.

I hope I was able to clear up any misconceptions about my review of this movie and how things work here at IMDB. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".


If its one of the worst why did you give it 3 stars when most of your other reviews are 1 stars?

You're right. Not sure how that happened but I fixed that oversight. Thanks.

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".



I absolutely 100% agree. This movie was a disgrace to the entire franchise.

I loved the first movie. I watch it every Christmas eve. The second movie was starting to feel a little stale, but I still enjoyed it. The third movie was utter complete garbage. I'm still mad I wasted $3.50 renting it.

The plot - was there a plot? I saw it a 6 days ago, and for the life of me, I can't tell you what the climax of the movie was supposed to be. I love Martin Short, but he was wasted in this movie. The comedy in this movie was practically non-existant. I smiled once or twice during the Canadian jokes, but the other attempts at comedy felt embarassing rather than funny. And the ending? With the 'warm hugs'? I couldn't believe my ears. I had to look away. I was ashamed for them.

So, yes. Definitely one of the worst movies ever made. Not the worst, but possibly the worst Christmas movie of all time. I used to think The Lemon Drop Kid was the worst Christmas movie, but at least that had Bob Hope...



This is nowhere near one of the worst films ever.
