Charlie's Age

So how old was he supposed to this movie and the first??

I never saw the second movie so don't know if it's been addressed, but if they are acknowledging that the first movie was 12 years ago.....

Charlie couldn't have been younger than what..8..7?
So add 12 to it wouldn't Charlie be at least 19 or 20 by now?

Why would he still be in school or the moody teenager in this movie?

Also did anyone else find Mrs. Claus to come off as the biggest selfish..*****? I mean come on he's SANTA CLAUS and if she thought that he needed to be in there in case she went into labor on Christmas Eve..she would be in essence disappointing millions of children worldwide, just because she needs him to hold her hand while pushing the baby out..honey millions of women do it alone everyday get over yourself.


i think in the 2nd movie it was said that charlie was 16, making him 20 in this movie.... but yeah hes still the moody teen...

i found her a little selfish
he had to work it was xmas eve!



Well, it was the same actor who played Charlie in the 1st and 2nd, which really surprised me!


I believe he was 6 in the first, which would make him 18 in the third. How I came to this... In the second movie Lucy makes a comment, "Soon I'm going to seven, and then I can know things..." So, Lucy is six. Later on, Charlie shows Lucy that her Uncle Scott is Santa and he tells her, "I was exactly your age when I found out my dad was Santa." So, he was six in the first movie...12yrs later, in the third movies, means he would be 18.


SC2 - AGE 16 (REAL LIFE) / 15 (IN MOVIE)
SC3 - AGE 18-19 (IN MOVIE) / 20 (IN REAL LIFE)


He is 22 in real life.


Right *now* he's 2008. But in 2006...he was 20

