Jack Frost made as the mean guy

At first I questioned why they made this character so cruel. Since my memory is of that classic cartoon called Jack Frost where he became human to help out a girl he liked. Now I kind of can see that Frost perhaps became bitter/angry overtime due to having not receiving love/attention. But I also notice via this movie that Jack truly has a heart (for kids at least) cuz he would have frozen Lucy along w/ her parents rather than convince her to get into the closet.

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand


Except for the cartoon you're talking about (Which I love, by the way), Jack is always portrayed as a trickster. Just for an example...in Frosty gets a wife(that's probably not the name of it, but I can't remember. It's the sequel to Frosty the Snowman cartoon) In it, Jake tries to basically make Frosty turn back into a lifeless snowman because he is jealous. I do, however, prefer the Jack in the cartoon Jack Frost.

Henriksen:I shot the Sheriff.
Dean:But you didn't shoot the Deputy


Thanks for reply ~ almost forgot they used him in that cartoon as well. That is most likely the version that these writers were taken from including any books that were written around him.

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand
