Charlie's absence

I find it very saddening that Charlie (Eric Lloyd) didnt have a starring role in this film. Not saddening to the point where you burst into tears but sad because he was the 2nd most important character of the first 2 movies and in in the 3rd one, he only has a brief and irrelevant cameo.

And if it weren't for him, Scott (Tim Allen) would've never became Santa Claus. Charlie was his muse for becoming who he is now.

And how can the whole family go to the North Pole to visit Santa/Scott for Christmas and exclude Charlie?! Santa's oldest child?! And aside from Charlie's minor role in the film, there is barely any mention of him in the film period.

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd





I know this was quite sad to be honest :( I love charlie and the fact that he didnt have a bigger role in the 3rd movie annoyed me.

He only had a few scenes really -

* Scott (whilst back in time) goes to see Laura and charlie at their home and they have a fight there

*At the end where he basically goes "hi dad, we heard you was in trouble so we came to help"

This was all the scenes he was in as far as I can remember oh and a bit at the beginning where the writers made an attempt to explain why he wouldnt be in the rest of the movie, by charlie saying "thanks for letting me go skiing"

So not a huge roll at all... although to be honest I do love his character but he's not one of my faviourates I love him as a younger child. He is probaly my faviourate character in The first Santa Claus movie.

But in the 2nd and 3rd movie there was just something about him that annoyed me, I know its not his fault, he says what the writers etc tell him to say...

I dont know :S. But The first movie in this series has always and will always be my faviourate <3 :)


He was in the beginning when they wanted to go to the north pole. I believe Eric Lloyd had some conflicts and so did David krumboltz. That's why.
