One plot hole I can't overlook

I was watching this with my girlfriend last night, and we don't usually mind the obviously overly dumb characters, such as Jack Frost barely fighting back at the end, to get his Santa coat back, or the grandparents who are blissfully unaware of any reason that Tim Allen suddenly changed so much, and how all of Canada is full of ONLY kids, or anything else like that. The only problem she and I had was at the end, when Tim Allen got control of Santa again. Wouldn't defeating Jack Frost have put him at least a day after where he was when he lost control of Santa for the first time? Since it transfers the people who fight over being Santa to the exact point they'd have been at when the Escape Clause was used, once the coat has chosen a host. That kind of logic annoyed me as a kid, and it annoys me now.

Begin the "it's just a kid's movie" replies now :)



Mornings and Mirrors. Two things made to frighten old men.


I noticed a post to your question and assumed it made since but see it does not. Guessing poster is either a troll or just forgot to finish his/her post

Basically when Frost took on the suit it meant that he could lead on a new adventure for Saint Nick while when Scott took Frosty back in time and saw that his old self was getting the suit back meant things were going back to normal. So basically no changes were actually being made ~ via the timeline sending his (present) self and Frosty back to when Jack Frost tried to trick him.

My issue with that is that is either perhaps Santa did not know that Frost changed events (and it was just not addressed to us viewers to know about). Also if he did recall the whole situation ... why didn't he ask for Frost to been arrested on the spot. But after rewatching the movie tonight can only assume my 1st statement is true ... via the ex-wife daughter having to explain to him (Scott/Santa) what occurred. Her parents being frozen/etc.

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand


When he came back his main focus was seeing his family. You do see Elf Cops arrested him and brought him to Santa, so I would assume he did put in that order.

Come visit my
