Don't get the hate

I like 3 just as much as 2 and 1. I really never understood the bad reviews...what are your guys thoughts?


Bernard being absent without as much as a verbal explanation ruins this third film. 2 is decent. Neither sequel is as good as the original.


It was a bad and unnecessary sequel.

There are many continuity errors in the story (most notably Bernard's absence and no reference to him), the plot is rushed and very poorly executed and the acting is terrible.

The Escape Clause plot itself contradicts the moral behind the first film. If it existed all along, Scott could've just invoked it right away in the first film and then there would be no story. The whole point of the series was that Scott was to become Santa and there is no way of getting out of it, this sequel contradicts that.

They should have stopped after the Santa Clause 2


I believe The Santa Clause (1994) should have been a standalone film. The sequels were unnecessary and mediocre at best.

There was no Bernard (along with no explanation), Charlie was too old (even in the previous sequel), they still had Laura & Neil's daughter, Lucy, there's plot holes in the whole Santa/Jack Frost time traveling years prior, and, to top it all off, Tim Allen didn't want to star in a third and final movie, according to another poster here on this board.

The Santa Clause 2 (2002) was okay, but Disney, in their infinite wisdom, decided that, after eight years, they wanted to make this a trilogy. Then, in 2006, twelve years after the original, this is what we receive.

By the time The Santa Clause 2 was shown in theaters, I was an adult and couldn't care less about the rest of the franchise. It took me until recently to view the second and third installments, mainly because of the holidays.

I understand the hate. They waited way too long to make any sequels. If anything, the second film should have been made respectively three to four years after the original, around 1997 - 1998.

The third...I can take it or leave it.


My family loves this one too.


1. Not having Bernard was a letdown.

2. Mysteriously not explaining the absence of Bernard was more of a letdown.

3. The magic of the first one is not captured in 2 & 3, but 2 seemed a little better than 3.

- All that said, it's really not all that bad, a fun time.

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